
Saturday, August 9, 2014

USA, ISIS and the New Middle East

Mr. Obama.

Your humanitarian act in Iraq is a disgrace to humanity, and your military help is like none.
This is not surprising since you were supporting the Israeli killing power and blaming the killed children in Gaza.
Your conditional decisions for helping the helpless innocents are crystal proof of your support to the ruthless killers.
Since WW2 the USA together with its allies and Israel are messing with the Middle East and its innocent people with no clear strategy or a strategy that is very worrying and not properly calculated.
All the wicked plans that have been tried failed till now. However this time they went too far by creating a sedition and sending its evil recruits with false Islamic dress, to butcher and displace as much as they can in the region, under a false Islamic flag, for a false cause and towards an aim that can never be realized or even achieved.
USA being the leader of such non-responsible actions seem to be not aware of what they are doing. however, if they are aware they definitely do not know the nature, the culture and the history of the Middle East and its people.
It is true there are many ethnic populations, many different religions and sects, but this was part of a unique formula that grouped all these people to live together side by side through history, despite many desperate efforts made by Western and Eastern occupiers to change it.
They failed before, they will fail now.
Mr. Obama
No force on Earth can create a New Middle East.
This Middle East we know, existed before and will remain to exist as before and till this life ends on Earth.

Sami Cherkaoui

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Middle East In Turmoil: Whose Fault?

This state of confusion, disturbance and death in the Middle East may be enhanced by some religious extremity, poverty, ignorance and other social negativeness in Islamic and Arab societies, but it is definitely caused by Israel and the Super Powers especially the governments and administrations of The United States and Europe. The unsolved Israeli/Palestinian Crisis had developed a crack in the Palestinian Society and a more hatred between Israelis and Palestinians. This hatred continues to receive the blessings from countries who support Israel on their Arab neighbors, because Israeli continues to have the upper hand. Gaza and West Bank are now an Israeli/American/European and other countries' target whenever the Palestinians try to rebel on the "Peace Plan" endorsed for them or try to seek a different plan for "living in peace". Who benefits from all of this? Of-course Israel. So these questions can be asked: Who is providing international cover, money and weapons to those extremists to the edge that a group like ISIS could have an ability to control lands in Iraqi and Syria and declare their fanatic state? Why the whole world condemn them and yet do not make any effort to halt them? How sure the countries and people who are secretly covering and supporting those fanatics, that they will remain loyal to them when they taste the taste of power? (Afghanistan experience is not a far history) How they can be sure that the people who betray their own country and people, will not betray them in the end? Are those people who are trying to ignite a Muslim/Muslim war, confident (even a little) that such war will not hit their own lands? How much they are sure that Israel will not be hit by this fire? USA, Europe, Russia, China, Iran, Arab Leaders, Muslim leaders, True Rebellions ..... Wake Up Before it is too late Sami Cherkaoui

Sunday, March 23, 2014

In a fraction of a second the existence existed? Cosmic Inflation!

Scientists are struggling to find out how this universe existed and consequently how we existed.
They are talking now about a map assembled from 15 months' worth of data and showing an exquisite confirmation of our Big-Bang model for the origin and evolution of the Universe.

It details what is known as the cosmic microwave background, or CMB - a faint glow of long wavelength radiation that pervades all of space.

Its precise configuration, visible in the new Planck data, is suggestive of a cosmos that is slightly older than previously thought - one that came into existence 13.82 billion years ago i.e an increase of about 50 million years on earlier calculations. This map also shows a slight more matter and slight less energy which is driving the cosmos apart at an accelerating rate.

They are saying that the Universe started in a hot, dense state in a tiny space then expanded and cooled. This supports the idea of INFLATION which suggests that in the very first moments of its existence the Universe opened up in an exponential manner faster than light itself.
This idea of Inflation turned to a breakthrough in the research of scientists and announced by a team used a telescope at South Pole to make detailed observations of a small patch sky. This project is called BICEP2.
Inflation theory suggests that the cosmos experienced a massive growth spurt in its first trillionth of a trillions of a trillions of a second. Then Space continued to expand for about 14 billion years and still expanding.

Some scientists believe that this discovery of the inflationary epoch, opened a window on the mysterious dark energy, and gave some lights on how the infant Universe was transformed from mere quantum fluctuations into something of microscopic size after its birth and how space time expanded inŲ¤ridibly and rapidly, ballooning outward faster than the speed of light. That ancient light which began saturating the \universe hundreds of thousands years after the Big Bang. It is believed that before this time the |Universe was a sizzling fog of plasma and energy too hot for photons to travel freely.

The microwave background temperature is the same at different spots in the sky, and this would have remained a mystery if the cosmic inflation did not tell us that our whole sky came from this tiny region.

The spectacular expansion of the Universe during inflation produced gravitational waves which in turn generated th B modes according to the theory of the Smoking Gun which is a type of polarization in the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background).

However scientists still do not know what is the substance that propelled inflation and till it is know the Universe remain a dark matter or what they scientifically called it Dark Energy.

Sami Cherkaoui