
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Creation and People With Visions

In the Bible it is said that God create Man in his own image.
In the Qur'an it is said that God taught Adam all names, and God teach human what he did not know.

Science says of evolution from ice and stone age to our time..
According to science... it took human thousands and may be million of years to develop, adapt, invent and civilized.

The questions that may be asked.
What was the first invention, how and by whom?

Me, I do not have a clue...

But I strongly believe that that there was no first invention...
All inventions came together with humans when they were created.

Well may be not the full thing...
May be some little knowledge, then certain special people gave a little help to develop the little knowledge to great science.

These people are people with visions.
Call them Messengers, Prophets, Inventors, Scientists, Philosophers, Thinkers...
Call them anything you want... They are the people who paved the way to all the civilizations we know and see today.

I strongly believe that technology started with the beginning of days.... then it was lost.

Many disasters came on Earth, which wiped everything from its surface.
History, Religion and Science can confirm this.

However, I believe that "Everything" include also science and technology.

Let us go back to what the Bible and Qur'an.said.
God create Man in his image..
What does this mean?

For sure God image is perfect because he is God.
Perfect image is not only shape.
It is shape and contents.

And if this so...
Then Man should be perfect in shape and content.
May be semi perfect...
He has the brain to know..
The senses to feel...
And the body to age and die..
This is why Man is not as perfect as God.

However, if Man has the brain to know...
Then Man already know everything at time of creation..

This is what the Qur'an confirms..

God taught Adam all names...
Meaning the knowledge of everything.
God taught Man what he did not know before...
But God taught him..
And Man became knowledgeable..

So what went wrong, that we see history tells us that Man was nothing but a Monkey shape creature... had no knowledge..
Then evolved to become in the shape we know today..
Then developed to become civilized.

Najib Mahfouz is an Egyptian Novelist who won Noble Price on literature in the 1980's, wrote a very nice story called " Awlad Haritna"... means " Children of our Alley".

In this book, he told about a certain neighborhood, made and developed by a person called "Adham" (symbolizing Adam), who was like the governor of this neighborhood.
He had many children..
One of them is "Idris" (symbolizing Iblis or Satan)
The neighborhood was expanding and flourishing.
Adam's children married and had children and grand children.
Adam remained in his palace at the Alley's Hill. Watching and controlling.

One of "Idris's grand children, got involved with weapons and explosives.
He did not like the way that Adam is controlling...... and wanted to rebel.
In the end he managed to invent a kind of devastating explosions and destroyed the house of Adam and killed him.

I believe this was happening every time at all times.
Civilizations destroyed themselves and the idea of God is killed each time.

At the peak of every civilization, some one manages to destroy it.

The destruction is so intense to wipe everything out....
All the brains which created those civilizations vanished together with their science, technology and inventions.
Who ever survived survived....remained to strive and build up from what could be caught.

And all what could remain is some evidences that bear witness of how brilliant and advanced our ancestors were.....

No one is able to discover the real meaning of such evidences.

There are some hints in the religious books...
Again no one is able to understand those hints..

This is my belief..

What is yours?
Sami Cherkaoui

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