
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

God Particle and Fifth Element

Do you remember Dan Brown's Angels Vs Demons?

The start of the book talks about a large collider - A Tunnel goes underground Geneva for few kilometers.
The film visualize it.

However, it realy exists in Switzerland and owned by CERN Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire.

CERN's main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research. Numerous experiments have been constructed at CERN by international collaborations to make use of them.

It is also noted for being the birthplace of the World Wide Web.

The job of this  Large Hadron Collider, is to collide opposing particle beams of protons at energy of 7 trillion electronvolts per particle.

It became operational on November 20, 2009, and is expected to provide experimental evidence of the existence or non-existence of the Higgs boson.

The Higgs boson is a hypothetical massive scalar elementary particle to exist by Standard Model in particle physics.

At present there are no known elementary scalar particles in nature.
The existence of such particles will resolve the inconsistencies in current theoretical physics.
The Higgs boson is often referred to as "The God Particle"

Leon Lederman in his book "The God Particle: If the universe is the answer, what is the question.?
The God Particle has a recurring theme of what Dr. Leon Lederman calls "the history of atomism", and many sections of the chapters in the book are focused through this lens. In the end, it is also the search for the God Particle.
The particle identified in the title is the Higgs boson proposed by the physicist Peter Higgs, Gerald Guralnik, C. R. Hagen, Tom Kibble and François Englert and Robert Brout

The book shares the view of the challenges encountered by the physicists  involved in the science of particle physics with the 20th century's powerful particle accelerators.

According to Dr. Lederman, prior to the big bang all observable matter was overheated and “squeezed into a volume vastly smaller than the head of a pin”. The temperature was unimaginably, baking and broiling. 
Matter as we see with our eyes could not exist. It was too hot. Everything was quarks and leptons boiling around in hot plasma.

Then came the expansion and cooling – quarks “began to coagulate into protons, neutrons, and the other hadrons”. Stable nuclei, began to form when protons and neutrons began to combine at around age three minutes, during a period known as Big Bang nucleosynthesis.

So, does the God Particle actually exist?.

Guess what?
They claim now that there might be Multiple God's Particles...

Recent results from the LHC's US rival suggest physicists could be hunting five particles, not one.

The data may point to new laws of physics beyond the current accepted theory - known as the Standard Model.

The idea of multiple Higgs bosons is supported by results gathered by the DZero experiment at the Tevatron particle accelerator, operated by Fermilab in Illinois, US.

DZero is designed to shed light on why the world around us is composed of normal matter and not its shadowy opposite: anti-matter.

But the DZero results showed much more significant "asymmetry" of matter and anti-matter - beyond what could be explained by the Standard Model.

What does all this mean?

They are trying to repeat the method of the Universe creation, by providing what they think, the matters and anti-matters that collided to form the symmetry of the Universe, on a small scale.

They want to prove that there are scientific answers to creation of the universe.

Their aim target is to abolish the idea of God.

But it seems all what they are doing root back to the very idea of the Universe created by God.

The very existence of matter and anti-matter must be created some how..

It looks that everything they theoretically think of is a copy of a mythical or religious story.
They put it in more scientific standard.
Still it gives the same picture.
But a very expensive picture...

The very same ideas have been either directly or indirectly or via a hin, are found in the Bible, the Quran and other religious books...

From Darkness was Light...
Then Water
Then Wind
Then Earth
They all combine to make Life.

And it still can have no explanation.
Still the same basics...
The four elements...Fire, Earth, Water, Wind...

They are looking for the Fifth Element, which combined all this and form the Universe....
Our World
Our Life

Or shall we say WHO combined all this?

Sami Cherkaoui

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