
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hey Dad, Its Your Day

How it was different a 100 years ago?
It all started in 1909 in Spokane, Washington State USA, when a daughter that was one of six children raised by a single dad, decided to Honor her father.
Sonora Smart Dodd (Now referred to as Mother of Father's Day) encouraged a local church to institute the first Father's Day observance the following year, and the idea carried on widely in other churches, the years to follow.

Now, it is celebrated every third Sunday of June in most countries.
Other countries chose other dates to celebrate.

Few nice examples about worldwide dates:

February 23 - Russia
May 8 - S.Korea
June 21 - Egypt - Lebanon - Jordan - Syria
August 8 - Taiwan
2nd Sunday of August - Brazil
March 19 - Italy - Spain - Antwerp (Belgium)
13 Rajab - Iran - Pakistan

In history, it was recorded that 4000 years ago, in Babylon, a son named Elmesu, carved a Father's Day message on a clay card. He wished his father a long and healthy life.

Today, it is more like a commercial appeal, than real honoring.

Stores takes advantage of the Day to sell more of their products that are intended to be gifts for Fathers.

With this Global Economy, they are even selling less.

Less selling and less honoring.

The significant role of the father and how this role can affect a child's future life, was missing till few decades ago.

However, it is still not recognized in the same way that Mother's Day is recognized.

Probably because the mother role, is traditionally and historically a social and house role; raising children and taking care of the house.

Father role is always outside the house; working and bringing the finance.

Today things changed....

Mothers and Fathers, forcefully have equal roles.

Like Single Mothers.... Single Fathers are becoming popular.

Father's Day is celebrated to compliment Mother's Day and honor Fatherhood and Parenting.
However, Dads and children today are much different than few decades ago...

Then, Dad was the real head of the family..
Today both Mom and Dad are heads.. if not ... then Mom only...
If not... then no heads l... Children on their own
Then, Dad was a real image to the example.... an idol... a pagan...
Today..Dad's image is very vague
Children like to be their own examples.

Then, Dad was the basic supporter of the children..
Today.. Children think they can support themselves..
Enough part-time jobs to do so..

Then, when Dad got angry, all the house take whatever steps not to upset him more..
Today if Dad gets angry... he is out of the house.. on his own

Then, no child can get out of the house without Dad permission..
Today...Dad needs a permission to stay in the house...

Then, if Dad says home by 10 O'clock... he means it.... and children abide..
Today,..10 O'clock.. is a joke..

Then, children celebrated Dad's Day for the honor of their Dads...
Today... it is only a festivity to the kids...
Sometimes they celebrate... and no need for the fathers to be there..

Happy Father's Day

Sami Cherkaoui

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