
Saturday, June 5, 2010

RFK and the lost truth

Like this day (June 5) in 1968,  Robert F. Kennedy, a United States Senator, then running for the presidency of the USA, and brother of assassinated President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles, during celebrations of his successful campaign in the Californian primary elections.

The culprit was a young Palestinian immigrant  named Sirhan Sirhan, who was convicted, sentenced and incarcerated for this crime as of today.

However, the assassination and the circumstances surrounding it have generated a variety of conspiracy theories, particularly in relation to the existence of a supposed second gunman, and the involvement of the CIA.

Many of these theories were examined during an investigation ordered by the United States Senate, and were "judged" by the FBI to be erroneous .

The location of Kennedy's wounds, and the statements of many witnesses about the location of Sirhan, led to the suggestion that a econd gunman actually fired the fatal shot.
This possibility was supported by the coroner.

In 2007, analysis of an audio recording of the shooting by forensic expert Philip van Praag, that at least thirteen shots were fired even though Sirhan's gun held only eight rounds. 

As recently as 2008, eyewitness John Pilger asserted his belief that there must have been a second gunman.

Thane Eugene Cesar has been a perfect candidate for a second gunman.
He was employed to protect Robert Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel, where the assassination was made.
He was a maintenance plumber at the Lockheed Aircraft plant in Burbank, a job that required a security clearance from the Department of Defense.

He claimed that he got knocked down after the first shot and did not get the opportunity to fire his gun. The LAPD, which interviewed Cesar shortly after the shooting, did not regard Cesar as a suspect and did not ask to see his gun.

Cesar admitted that he did own a pistol like the one used in the assassination, but he claimed that he had sold it before the assassination.

Later the investigators found out that Cesar had sold the pistol  three months after Kennedy's assassination. However he was subjected to a Polygraph test where he denied any involvement in Kennedy's assassination and passed the test with flying colors.

The Manchurian candidate  hypothesis relates to a theory that Sirhan was psychologically programmed by persons unknown to commit the murder and the he was not aware of his actions at the time. 
This theory was supported by psychologist and hypnosis expert Dr. Eduard Simson-Kallas in San Quentin prison after 35 hours of work with Sirhan in 1969.

" In November 2006, the BBC's Newsnight  program presented research by filmmaker Shane O'Sullivan alleging that several CIA officers were present on the night of the assassination. Three men who appeared in video and photographs from the night of the assassination were positively identified by former colleagues and associates as former senior CIA officers.
The program featured an interview with Morales's former attorney Robert Walton, who quoted him as having said, "I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard". O'Sullivan reported that the CIA declined to comment on the officers in question. It was also alleged that Morales was known for his deep anger toward the Kennedy(s) for what he saw as their betrayal during the Bay of Pigs Invasion."

Who was Sirhan Sirhan, and why he could do a criminal act like this.

He was a Christian Palestinian born in Jerusalem and immigrated with his family to USA.
A stable worker with  no previous criminal records, and no previous political activities.
No previous link to any international country or intelligence.

However, and one day after the assassination an article in Los Angeles Times included the following phrase:
" When the Jordanian nationalist, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, allegedly shot Kennedy, ostensibly because of the Senator's advocacy of US support for Israel, the crime with which he was charged was in essence another manifestation of the centuries-old hatred between Arabs and Jews."

Of course, later the FBI "found" in Sirhan's apartments diaries and notes "written by him"  showing his anger against the Senator who promised Israel 50 fighter jets and it was not a year passed after the six days war in 1967.

SO where is the truth in all this.

Was he the assassin?
Did he do it for his love to his country? For his hatred to Israel?
Was he innocent?
Was he a Palestinian and Arab hero? although no Palestinian organization or Arab country  or organization, claimed responsibility of his action.
Maybe a silent hero...!
Was he a lunatic?
Was there another Real Assassin?
Was he framed?
Who framed him and why?
If so, why Robert Kennedy?

So many Conspiracy Theories to suggest that this assassination was extremely sophistic-ally planned and executed.

So many Conspiracy Theories to suggest so many players behind the scene.. CIA, FBI, Jews, Arabs, Communists etc...

So many Conspiracy Theories.... But one fact
The truth is lost.

Sami Cherkaoui

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