
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Birthdays of Adam!

Different cultures put different dates, of what they believe the creation of life which we know has started:
    * Maya civilization - August 11, 3114 BCE
    * Judaism - September 22 or March 29, 3760 BCE
    * James Ussher (1654) - October 23, 4004 BCE
    * Byzantine Church calculation - September 1, 5509 BCE
    * María de Ágreda - 5199 BCE
    * Harold Camping - 11013 BCE
    * Puranic Hinduism, 158.7 trillion years ago (50 "years of Brahma")
    * Eternity - Postulate made by a number of groups including historical and contemporary scientists and certain New Age idealizations that the universe has always existed, so there is no "beginning" of the universe (though the Earth and other celestial objects may have come into being closer to the current day). One such scientific theory is the steady state theory. Buddhists and Hindus believe in a Cyclic Universe consisting of endless cycles of the Universe expanding, contracting and subsequently reforming.
    * The philosopher Immanuel Kant believed the question of when the universe "began" presupposed transcendental realism and was therefore unanswerable. According to him the universe exists without reference to cause and effect.

For reference, according to radiometric dating the planet Earth was formed about 4.55 billion years ago and according to the Big Bang theory the Universe began expanding approximately 13.7 billion years ago.

According to the book of Genesis, God created life in 6 days and according to the Biblical chronology, the creation existed either about 5500 BCE or about 4000 BCE, depending on what version of Bible you read.

The Quran, was not far from the 6 days idea, however in the Quran you can intriguingly read that a One God's Day equals One Thousand days of our days or sometimes Fifty Thousand Days of our days.

This is not very much different from what Isaac ben Samuel of Acre ( A Kabalist) who calculated that the universe is actually 15,340,500,000 years old.

He arrived at this conclusion by distinguishing between earthly "solar years" and "divine years," based on a verse from Psalms, which states that "A thousand years in Your sight are but as yesterday".

If each day of a divine year is equal to a thousand earthly "solar years," then a divine year would be 365,250 years long. Isaac then makes some other calculations based on the Talmud and the Biblical sabbatical year, and arrives at the number 15.3405 billion.

But in the general case the chronological calendar of Islam which leads to Adam birth does not differ much form either Genesis in the two versions of the Bible.

Therefore the Birthday of (our father) Adam can be any day between 4000 to 6000 BCE.

So who lived before that?

A Quranic (Aya) made me wonder.....

"The day we fold the sky like folding the book of records.... As we started the first

creation, we repeat it... A vow upon us, which we had been doing".

Go figure...

Sami Cherkaoui

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