
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Egg or Chicken? Problem Solved

Scientists claimed that they have cracked the main riddle on what came first the chicken or the egg.

They claim that the answer is that the chicken came first, because researchers found that the formation of egg shells relies on a protein found only in a chicken's ovaries.

This proves that the egg can only exist if it has been inside a chicken.

Scientist detailed their discoveries with scientific facts and proofs, and said this discovery can give new clues towards designing new materials and processes, in which nature has found innovative solutions that work for all kinds of problems in material science and technology, that can teach us a lot.

The question what came first? Chicken or Egg, has puzzled scientists and philosophers through out the ages, because it also evokes the questions how life and the universe in general began.

Darwin in his famous theory of evolution claims that species change over time via mutation and selection.

Since DNA can be modified only before birth, a mutation must have taken place at a conception or within an egg such that an animal similar to a chicken, but not a chicken, laid the first egg.

This leads to the possibility tha both egg and chicken evolved simultaneously from birds that were not chickens and did not lay chicken eggs but gradually became more and more like chickens over time.

Well, this new discovery proves Darwin wrong.

In religion, the story of creation says that God has created first all living creatures including birds which were specifically mentioned in all stories of creation, mentioned in Jewish, Christian and Muslim books.

Even myth stories describes creation as a fact happens by the creator and not with an evolution process.

Hindus believe that even living creatures created by God through superhuman beings... the Hindu mythology also talks about a "Cosmic Egg" from which the universe which we know originated.

In this sense the supreme egg comes before all creatures, including chicken and chicken eggs.

Buddhism believes that with the eternal return, time is eternally repetitive and therefore there is no "first" in eternity, there is no creation and the answer becomes: none is first, so there is no first in a cyclical view of time.

According to fossil records, the present-day chicken is believed to be a descendant of Archaeopteryx, a creature with sharp teeth and winged claws, found in the Jurassic period and thought to be more than 150 million years old.

According to Augusta (1961), Archaeopteryx  is “a true bird, occupying the phylogenetically lowest place in the class of birds (Aves) and is the only member of the ancient group of the Archaeornithes (or Saururae); all other birds, whether extinct or extant, belong to the higher group of Neornithes (or Ornithurae)”.

These upper Jurassic birds were not much larger than a pigeon and, like chickens of today, were not good fliers.

This may lead to the fact that what we today call chicken, was clearly borne by an ancestor of our present-day chicken (Pre-Chicken, or PC).

Well, again we see scientists come to discoveries that prove more that this whole universe including our lives and everything in between, were created first and maybe evolved after...or is it the opposite ?

Sami Cherkaoui

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