
Friday, August 6, 2010

BlackBerry Services And The Weakest Link

Saudi Arabia  today blocked at least one Research In Motion's BlackBerry smartphone service, becoming the latest government to threaten to curb the device on security grounds.

It is not very clear how this all plays out, but as of now countries that have already decided to shut out RIM will be disabling e-mail, web browsing and BlackBerry Messenger.

If this continues to happen, then BlackBerry handsets will be rendered virtually useless with the ability to only make calls and send text messages  when that happens.

The only viable compromise, it seems, is for Research In Motion to grant access to its system so these governments can monitor and track usage.


Why United Arab Emirates And the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia decided to stop Emails and Messenger Services from BlackBerry?

Why other countries like Lebanon, India, Algeria are studying to do the same with BlackBerry services, and also Skype telephone services?
Image representing Skype as depicted in CrunchBase

What is wrong with Blackberry and its services?

Why official in USA including the top ones like Hillarry Clinton, stood to fight the decisions of the Saudis and Emiratis, and declared that USA will hold talks with UAE and Saudia on this issue?

What the Canadian company " Research In Motion" (RIM) is saying about the encrypted network?

Why this company is fighting till now mounting pressure to open up its "super - secure" network to government scrutiny? In a time where a growing number of countries are demanding access to encrypted communications sent through the device, saying national security may be at risk?

Why now this " National Security" at risk and not before? knowing that bleackBerry service is more than 10 years old!

Why Although the Gulf region accounts for only a small portion of RIM's more than 41 million subscribers, analysts said they were concerned about the impact on the Canadian company's reputation for providing iron-clad smartphone services?.

Why RIM has said its technology will not allow a third party to monitor communications running through the BlackBerry's enterprise servers?

Why Governments from China to Iran have become more vocal about controlling conversations on the Internet and on mobile phones, citing risks to national security.?

What is the link between BlackBerry and the Terrorist Attack on the Japanese Oil Tanker last week in UAE waters?

Is it a coincidence that the UAE ban on BlackBerry Emails and Messenger services was directly one day after this attack but was officially declared as a "terrorist Attack" only today?

Is it a coincidence that Lebanon is considering to apply the same ban, after the last arrest two days ago of a retired Army General on grounds of Espionage to Israel?

Why Lebanon is considering to put a ban also on Skype telephone services?

I do not have answers to all above questions

Do you?

Sami Cherkaoui
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  1. This makes me want to buy a blackberry! lol

  2. So many unanswerd questions. Lets us know if u ever find out. It is weird knwing that the device is ten yrs old and just now the mysteries occures. Why not iphones ? They seem to offer better service in general than blackberries
