
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Arab Israeli Piece By Piece Talk - A Joke

I really do not understand why people who are supposed to be responsible for their countries' peace, culture, history, security, independence etc... waste their times in deceiving themselves before they deceive others.

When Israelis and Palestinians sit to talk, I feel they do it basically for the media. No one on earth would believe they will achieve anything.

The main reason for that is that whoever are sitting on that "Negotiation Table" know they are talking everything except the truth.

And the Truth is very simple but no one wants to tackle it.

The Truth is that there are people who are being deprived from having a country since 1948.

And there are people who came back in 1948 to take a land thinking that it is their own only.

Well they forgot all about this and now exhausting themselves and everybody in discussing whether to continue or to stop building settlements in Israel.. as if this is the key issue in getting the parties into real peace.

The Israelis found this a perfect stalling and the Palestinians managed to split on who has the right to be in charge of the new promised country!

The new promised country! this is a joke- No?

A country that cannot be a state, can not have an army to protect it and has to be under the control of another country - is not a country but a joke?

And Palestine is not a joke.

The Israelis are happy that the Palestinians and behind them the Arabs, are sinking in a foul lake of differences...

The Palestinians in all their different sects and ideologies are really not willing to move forward to have any changes from what they are already in..

Some might know this fact, some might not... but each one of them is happy to sit and have a kind of authority, on a piece of land even if it is not his.... like those who are enjoying themselves on  Lebanese Lands.

Of course, I am not talking about the Palestinian people, but about their leaders - all their leaders.

Because those leaders have gone so far in taking advantages of their people miseries, agonies, poverty, hunger and homelessness.

The Palestinian people are the big losers since 1948 till today and may be to centuries ahead if they still accept such kind of selfish leaders to speak on their behalves.

Israeli leaders on the other hand are not better... actually worse.

Every Israeli leader since 1948 lives on the corpses of the killed Palestinians, and feed his political life from the miseries of the still living ones.

Every Israeli leader lives on enslaving the people of  Israel in illusions; that the Palestinians want to slaughter them, and this why their duty is to slaughter them before.

Both Israelis and Palestinians have invented new cultures based on hatred and despise, and their people have to learn and practice.

USA and Europe have great interests to keep the conflicts between calmness, aggression and hope... so they can always be needed in the region to stabilize matters and control political, military and economic issues.

Arab leaders are very much unable to find any balance between their wealth and their culture.. they are lost on this road and they like to continue in this manner.

Iran and Turkey have wider dreams and find in this messy confusion a chance to restore at least some influences of their lost empires.

Any tools come among the road, whether named resistance, terrorism, extremism., Fundamentalism, Zionism, New Born Christianism etc.. is only a tool managed by the party it created it, to fight for a cause and keep the game on.

We know from history that when religion becomes political, more devastating wars occur, and when wars erupted more weapons manufactured.

And when more humans, animals and greens are killed, when more hunger emerge... there will be more money to buy and sell souls and otherwise.

I do not believe there is a problem between a Jew, a Muslim and a Christian.
Their religion is in the end even if there are different details.

The problem is with their leaders, their rabbis, there priests, there sheikhs... and probably those people are the very ones who invented those details, so there are always points of differences to cause hatred and killings... for sake of business.

Education and technology, even they are very advanced in countries like USA, Canada and parts of Europe, but they are still far to touch the people of those countries in general. This is why we see that 70% of the people of such countries are not educated and most of those are illiterate!

Education in so called Third World Countries, in poor countries and in countries of political instabilities, is nearly not more than 5-10 %.

Those uneducated people whether they live in rich or poor countries just have to follow what they are told without any question or objection.

The balance of the people are either having shares of the cakes or they are employed to do jobs they are told to do by different ways and means.

I do ask those people who are discussing peace between Palestinians and Israelis, not to fool others as they are fooling themselves.

I also ask those who are politically opposing the peace negotiations to believe that they are not believing themselves, and believe that their people are also not believing in them.

The Arab Israeli conflict is just a political issue invented by some influential political players, to keep instability in the Middle East region as well as to keep the arms trade in non stop progress.

It is about time all Jews, Christians and Muslims understand that if they believe in one God,  there is no way that this same God gives different instructions to his believers.

If God is one in heaven... Why to make him many ... on Earth?

So go for the real peace and do not waste any more time.

People are dying for the real Peace to come.

Why let them die in vain?

Sami Cherkaoui

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