
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Moses Sea Parted? How, When, Where?

CNN news blog put an intriguing article " Where did waters part for Moses? Not where you think".

In this blog the writer speaks about some University of Colorado researchers, who tried to prove that the Biblical story described actual events happened the day Moses crossed with the Israelites the Sea that parted for them.

The researchers concluded that the event happened on an area south of the Mediterranean Sea where some oceanographers say a branch of the Nile River drained into what was called the Lake of Tanis; a coastal lagoon 3000 years ago.

The computer model shows a 63 mph east wind blowing across the area and its 6-feet-deep waters for 12 hours. In the scenario, the wind pushed back the waters into both the lake and the channel of the river, exposing a mud flat 2 to 2.5 miles long and 3 miles wide for four hours. As the winds died down, the waters quickly flowed back in and in theory would have drowned anyone on the mud flat.

This in brief what the blog was about, of-course with more illustrations and details... however, this is not what I want to elaborate or comment on...

 What really drew my attention is the number of different comments on the blog, which was not only large but demonstrated well the differences between people thoughts.

To express well my idea, I will put here some of the comments:

" There's no way that a 63mph wind is going to displace a 6 foot deep river / lake. The pressure at a 6 foot depth is 1.3 atmospheres or roughly 10 pounds per square inch higher than normal atmospheric pressure. That much pressure spread across a wide river represents many tons of force. Wind even traveling at 63 mph is not capable of exerting enough force to oppose that much pressure."

" Do you people really have such a hard time believing that an odd event happened, and a group of people decided to attach their own mythology to it? I mean, that's how religions all over the world have worked for as long as we have recorded history! So by the time the old testament was actually written down (no, it wasn't written by Moses as the events happened, get over it), god had become part of the story. And seriously, like the ancients would understand the physics behind the wind blowing water and creating dry land? To an uneducated people, that would certainly seem like a miraculous event."

" I realize without faith these matters are hard to believe, but I believe that God spoke and this world was created, He needs not a topographical area to split the waters what a small matter for him to make a DRY way through the Red Sea."

" We can't get the weather right on any given day, but now we are analyzing fictional meteorological events sometime in the past somewhere in the world? Give me a break. Even Jebus would find this to be a stretch..."

" So, let's say that this is exactly what happened. It was the wind. Does no one find it odd that the wind just happened to start blowing, for 24 hours, just when the Hebrews needed it and just happened to stop just when they needed it? Sure, I accept this as what happened but I don't accept the wind just randomly started blowing just at the right times. For the atheist, an article like this does nothing. They probably don't even believe Moses existed more-less in God. But for people of faith, I like stories like this because it links in how God may have acted in our world (and maybe still does)."

" WOW... you mean there's a chance that God acted by using the things which God created to save those whom God cares about? CRAZY"

" Where does the money come from to conduct these stupid experiments? The Vatican?"

" How ridiculous.... Why? Why can't you just accept that what was recorded was? Sure maybe you can explain it happening here. But you can't explain how it happened at the Red Sea. That's because the work of God is unexplainable. Why must we believe that we can find an explanation to everything. How sad. How truly sad."
" I still believe the crossing spot to be somewhere before what is called MT Jabel El Laws. The 12 wells have been dated, and the giant split rock on a 300 foot tall hill with water erosion going in all directions from that point. Then an alter site where you could actually clime to the top of a mountain and look down at where you came from, and at the alter. Plus, if you map how far people can walk without water using Google Earth to estimate from the point of the wells (and palms) a large amount of people could actually walk that far without water. Plus, you understand that the people that have controlled this area would not want this at all. Plus, both sides having a pillar/marker that says Salomon's pillar (or) Moses crossing on really old maps. Plus the opening of the mountains before the first one. Plus between those markers being the lowest part of water in the entire area. No one really knows how much water was in that area at that time, some say less. I don't know how much evidence it would take for some people, but that seems like a TON to me."

" 63 mile an hour winds happen frequently enough, but I don't see all the little ponds and shallow rivers being emptied or even moved for it."

" What a load of crapola! What's next, are the scientists going to figure out where Zeus banged Hercules mother? It's all myth and not worth anyone's time or money. I hope it wasn't some taxpayer-funded grant who paid that crapola "study.""

" Moses didn't cross the Red Sea. He crossed the Sea of Reeds, which more closely resembled marsh lands, rather than a river or large body of water. If you've ever tried to cross a marsh on a horse, you'd learn very quickly it doesn't take a giant wave to wipe out an army on horses. All it takes is soggy earth."

" And "Who" made the wind blow that hard?"

" In an interview published by Time magazine, Einstein spoke of his feelings about Christianity. Einstein was then asked to what extent he was influenced by Christianity, to which Einstein replied as follows, "As a child I received instruction both in the Bible and in the Talmud. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene." Einstein was then asked if he accepted the "historical existence of Jesus," to which he replied, "Unquestionably! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life."

I always dig up some facts (in fact) i love facts: GOD'S Word is The Law! ...i wonder how Newton & Einstein would have turned out growing up in a world without biblical Truth?"
" This article is funny because true history shows that the Israelites were never in Egypt during the time of the Exodus. History also shows that the Egyptians didn't have slaves at the time of the Exodus as well. People will believe anything."

" I wonder if they're hiring? Nice work if you can get it. Does this "study" improve anyone's living conditions today?"

" Things the judeochristian "God" shares with Santa Claus: Stories about actual events (St Nicholas, Jesus of Nazareth) are misinterpreted, mistranslated, and used for personal gain (Macy's, the Pope). They both reside in mythical places. (The North Pole, Heaven). They're both "invisible". They both judge you on your behavior. People with mental illnesses swear that they're real. hmmm... I think we should worship Santa... But wait! Santa and Satan have the same letters! and are red! IT'S A TRAP!!!!"

" When someone explains something to you with "science," you have faith in what he thinks is a fact and what isn't a fact. It takes more faith to belive that we evolved from a fragment of nothing than we were created by a higher power."

" in the Quran, God speaks how he saved the children of Israel by opening the sea to save them by the pharoh.... and in the Quran, God says that the pharaoh Ramsey's body will be preserved to show a sign for the world too see how God punished him. his body is located i think in Egypt. his body looks like as if he died recently. the Quran testified and proved scientist that it was a mirical from God."

" No one cares what the Quarn says dude, keep your hate filled babble to yourself. There is only one God and it is certainly not Allah! Just the Alpha and the Omega."

" The waters did part for Moses but it was all done by UFOs."

" Nothing was ever said about Moses parting the Nile. The river was the Jordan, and Moses didn't part it either. Scripture says that God let an east wind blow all night that parted the waters. Also, according to Biblical Archaeology, chariot wheels, etc. have been found there."

Well they said it all....

It will always be debates, just know how, when and where to spark off the fire...
And it will spread out...

So my favorite is:

" CNN: Seriously, grow up. This is goofy."

Sami Cherkaoui

1 comment:

  1. the day is rapidly approaching when everyone will see and believe that there is a god and all of you dumbfounded atheist will beat yourselves for allowing satans blindfold to cover your eyes this whole time, may god still show mercy on all your souls
