
Saturday, November 6, 2010

World on grounds of broken glass!

To zoom in the worldwide picture, let us see what is going on in most of the countries around the world.
We start with the so called The Group of Eight or G8; France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Russia.

This group emerged following the 1973 oil crisis, to tackle the energy problem and to put immediate and future solutions to threatening worldwide problems that are pressing on issues such as; environment, foreign affairs, justice, interior amnesty, terrorism, international trade, health, law enforcement, labour, economic and social development, famine and other issues which are vital to make this world better.

Of course no one can know what are the actual decisions that are taken after each annual summit meeting, but it is obvious that those decisions are not helping the 8 countries and certainly not the world.
The number of hungry people all over is larger, interior amnesty is at greater risks, justice is bent, environment is widely endangered, health care is baffling, unemployment rate are jumping, terrorism is more organized and more dangerous, international trade routes are not safe....

Albeit those countries make about 15% of world population and about 60% of Gross World Product, the majority of global military power and own the most powerful nuclear weapons, all their plans and decisions are raising more complicated problems instead of solutions.

When they decided to expand this G8 to G20, (19 countries; South Africa, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, China, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Australia, plus the European Union) they thought that by compromising 85% of Global Gross National Products, about 80% of the world trade and 65% of the world population, they can have better solutions.

But again they were wrong and the problems instead of diminishing they spread out rather rapidly.
However, since 2008 (the birth year of the G20) and till now, the world is experiencing more confusions, which are getting to dominate the world and especially these 20 countries.
Therefore, the 65% of world population is in jeopardy of being more misfortunes, the 85% of global national products are in chaotic orders and the 80% of world trade is not in real harmony.

The confusions are results of various types of disputes, between these very countries, about who wants what and how. These confusions are now troubles and are speedily becoming national and international crisis.

So what is going on in these countries, which have put the whole world on grounds of broken glass?

USA having major political and economic crisis, and its domestic security is facing daily threats of terrorist attacks. Its army in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other parts of the world is a financial burden and its security is compromised nationally and internationally.

France is sinking in seas of endless strikes and civil violence.

UK has huge conflicts between the political parties. Its economic position is rapidly deteriorating and the disputes on its military powers and ambitions are tougher every day.
Germany is the land of contradictions, and facing severe political divisions. Its economy is degrading; more banks in illegal troubles, and its suspicious political roles leave a big question with respect to Europe security as whole.

Japan maintains political instability, and presently facing major threats from other countries within the same group; China is in constant attempts to return its dignity and Russia is claiming lands being Russian properties before.

Russia is the land mysteries.Its domestic and international politics are puzzles. Its troubles with other ex USSR countries are escalating and its economic burdens are overwhelming.

Canada and Australia are big houses under mortgage to her Majesty queen of Britain, with few inhabitants and many housekeepers who manage to keep the house not managed. Their social and economic systems are cracked. Immigrants are their daily bread. Their boys and girls in the army are victims of their narrow-minded international policy.

Italy is covered with corruption, and the country is unable to be European and Mediterranean at the same time. Economy is red, unemployment is high and there is no trace of the Roman Empire except its ironic end.

Brazil is floating on debts.
Saudi Arabia is very disturbed by inland terrorism and keeps paying uncle Sam to make solutions in the region especially in Yemen, Sudan and Iran without touching the Royal line.

Argentine and Mexico are basically bankrupt.
Turkey still a wild child. It seems it forgot its past and unable to decide its present and future identity. Its economy is zero. Its ideology is split and its military is divided because of its politics.

South Korea is the spoiled child in the region, however it is difficult to have fun when all neighbors are in serious playgrounds. Threats from the deprived brother are becoming major worries.

China can not stabilize its political and economic existence without fighting other powers in the group, even without using military powers. Its local currency is a victim of the powerful foreign currency reserves that the country keeps.

India is unable to feed its increasing population. Its security, economy and industry are not sound and its international policy is rather tricky.
Indonesia has its own tragic disasters to deal with.

South Africa has enough problems to deal with; extreme poverty, unemployment, black economy and of course the issues of its safety, internal amnesty and national security.

When the countries which proclaimed themselves world protectors are needed to be protected basically from their-selves; governments - then the existence of the whole world is in jeopardy of breaking in parts.
This is not a pessimistic view, but rather a factious.

It is better to expose and tackle the problems to find solutions.

The main problem might be in the policies of these government.

Their democracies are illusions, and their systems are ruthlessly deceiving.

They might see themselves the best of human kinds and they deserve to lead and dominate.
Regardless of what and how they think, the makers of those policies had been since ages neglecting the basic needs of people; Peace, Safety and Amnesty.

When those factors really exist then living can be easier and cheaper and food become available to every one.
Wars to create peace is a tremendous hoax, huge lie and miserable belief.
Wars in ancient days were used to secure food and shelter.
The strongest survived.

Today, food and shelter is hours between any distance on planet Earth.
They can be made available by a phone call and a sea or air shipment.
But still the strongest want to dominate even if left with nothing.
The poors just die.

How the world now is different from the days before the great wars?
Only one difference; more advanced weapons...
Sami Cherkaoui

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