
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Who are the victims of Wikieaks revelations?

And who are the "Accused"?

Well, in a quick answer, we are the victims.

We. The common people. The normal ones who work every day to feed our children and secure for them proper homes, schooling and safe futures.

All the others including Wikileaks and similar hackers are the criminals, and I will tell you why.
Normal people who are working their necks out to make a suitable living, can not achieve what they want in a feasible way.

It really breaks hearts to see the real world around full of  poverty, drugs, violence, wars and hatred.
Every human being needs a range of basic necessities; food, water, clothing, shelter, education, and health care. More than 70% of the world lack basic economic conditions of these essentials to meet minimum needs of a human life.

It is disturbing to know that in some countries more than one person in five, lives on less than $1 a day, and over 1 billion people live in extreme poverty and nearly half the world’s population live on less than $2 a day.

In developed countries, poverty results in wandering homeless people, poor suburbs and ghettos.

When we think about the causes of poverty we immediately think of lack of education, war, natural disasters, political corruption, and mental illness of the world leaders.

I will not talk here about lack of education and natural disasters, because they are not the issue now. May be I find a way to tackle them in later blogs.
Although I do have the feeling that natural disasters are sometimes consequences of political corruption and mental illness of world leaders.
Detail from Corrupt Legislation. Mural by Elih...
Political corruption
First, I do not believe that all the international development initiatives and the many international organizations working in the humanitarian fields are helping much to eradicate poverty.
To the contrary I think that most governments and organizations help in enhancing poverty worldwide for many reasons.
This comes under political corruption.
Poor people who are unable to have equal health care treatment like the rich, comes under political corruption.
Poor students who can not complete their educations without financial obstacles, talented poets and writers who can not publish their works without financial difficulties, brilliant businessmen who can not get finances to their projects without exploitation and high risk interests, are all consequences of political corruption.
Gifted artists who do not have their chances without discrimination, are consequences of political corruption.
In turn we see so much money spent on espionage!
Wars, conspiracies, economic disasters, financial crisis, high bank interest rates, money deflation and inflation are all part of political corruption.Overview of the Corruption Perceptions Index (...

Religious, race and ethnic discrimination are all results of political corruption.
Media in general is an integrated part of political corruption.

If all religions on earth proclaim peace, love and equality, then who on earth changed all this?
The Bible is based on Peace and love “ Peace be with you”.
The Qur'an originated the word Islam from Peace, and declared that a true belief in God is to love for your fellow men what you love for himself.
The Ten Commandments basically are all about Love, Peace and Equality.
Buddha kept talking about Peace and Love and once said that in the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.

This is absolutely true, it is people who create this agony and enslave themselves within it.

Mental illness of our political leaders.

It is a simple fact that only fools want to run a world of such vast and devastating political corruptions.
But this is not all.
Our leaders are really complex-ed.
What sick persons spend most of their times spying on other persons?
For what?
If you take a quick glance on the Wikileaks releases, you can understand what I mean.
What can you say about people whose behaviors and attitudes are described in the leaks?
Karzai of Afghanistan: a paranoid, ignorant and weak person.
Nouri Al Malki of Iraq: Murderer
Kevin Rudd of Australia: A freak
Hillary Clinton: A Sick mind.
Hu Jintao of China: Deceiving individual.
Chancellor Merkel: Hesitant.
Ahmadinejad of Iran: Crazy and unpredictable.
Berlusconi of Italy: incompetent and ineffectual
Kim Jong of North Korea: Old fool
Gaddafi of Libya: lusty
Pakistan Leaders: Double faces
Medvedev and Putin of Russia: Batman and Robin
Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka: War Lord
Gordon Brown of UK: A failure
Sarkozy France: The naked Emperor

Let us look further, and see how can we describe the following leaders:

George W. Bush
George W. Bush: A disastrous joker?

Bush Administration: Disastrous outcome?
Barak Obama: First black president, Ok now what?
Obama Administration: Falling Posts?
European Union: Trickery?
PM Cameron: Slow and hollow?
Harper of Canada: Miscalculated Risks?
PM Erdogan of Turkey: Dreaming the Empire?
Netneyahu of Israel: Hitman?
President Bashir of Sudan: Leading to a ruthless civil war?
President Mubarak of Egypt: President or King of Egypt?
Abdallah Saleh of Yemen: What is he really doing?
Asad of Syria: Walking on the ropes?
Sulaiman of Lebanon: President without presidency?
King Abdullah of Jordan: To be or not to be?
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia: A lost wisdom?
Zine Al Abidine of Tunis: Family Business?
King Mohamed of Morocco: Influence of history and culture?
Leaders of the African countries: Bad Businessmen?

In fact, leaders come and then bring with them a management team, they call it administration team.
This management team takes over the administrations and start by canceling all what the previous teams already made.
(Management teams in some "Republics" have been managing over 30 years).
Then they manage to control the wealth of the country, and oppress the people.
Rules and Acts issued to make it more difficult on people to practically live with minimum needs.
Then they manage to defy or ally with other countries, depending on the management interest.
This interest can be a belief or religion or ideology or just for the fun of it.
Eventually different kinds of wars erupted; traditional and non traditional.
Even psychological wars.
A montage of the Gaza War.
Then so many victims from the people.
So many collateral damages from the people.

Why Wikileaks leaks only in a certain time and for certain media?
If they can know at any time these secrets, why they wait so long to reveal them?
Perhaps if they have revealed them in time, things might have changed and less damages are made

In brief.
We are living in a crazy world managed by crazy people.

Sami Cheraoui
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1 comment:

  1. Wikileaks isn't the criminal. Let's just all spin our wheels like they want us to.
