
Sunday, May 29, 2011

What's behind Numbers, Colors and Symbols?

Why most of political parties choose certain colors and symbols for their logos and slogans?
How countries select their flags’ colors and some put symbols on them?
Why it is important to a country or a political party to have specified colors and symbols reflect their political trends?
How does religion interact with politics through numbers, colors and symbols?
What do numbers mean to religions and societies?

Cultural, religious, political, social individuals and groups use colors to represent their traditional concepts or feelings, or to evoke physical reactions. They express in colors some kind of communication or gestures.
Generally speaking colors refer to certain personal moods, or reflect certain resemblance; for instance, BLACK is the color of night and its mysteries. Sometimes represent evil, and can also be relating to elegance or class. It may also refer to power, sophistication, wealth, sadness, depth, anger and mourning. It is taken to symbolize Anarchism, Fascism and Catholicism.
WHITE on the other hand is sacred and pure, and is the color of Gods, Angels, peace, purity, simplicity, youth, but can also refer to sadness and mourning. It can be symbol to humility, winter, cold and sterile and refers to Monarchism.
Whereas BLUE is mostly known as Virgin Mary's color, accompanies pure and innocent females. It is the color of oceans, skies and indicates life, calmness, stability, security, loyalty, technology and depression.
BROWN is always associated with Earth, Home, comfort, endurance, simplicity. GREEN represents nature, environment, good luck, youth also jealousy and misfortune. It is also associated with some Islamic groups and countries.
ORANGE associates with balance, warmth, enthusiasm and demanding of attention. PINK goes with innocence and child-like character. It is also considered as color of good health. Sometimes it accompanies love, femininity, sexuality and purity. PURPLE can be color of royalty, nobility, wisdom, enlightenment, also cruelty and arrogance. RED is the color of blood and can symbolize strong emotions, life and vitality. It indicates to the Sun as symbol of energy. RED and WHITE together mean happiness, and used in weddings and ceremonies mainly in far eastern countries. The combination is also the color of bond and commitment. It is associated with Socialism, Communism and Nationalism.
YELLOW is joy and happiness and signifies optimism, idealism, gold and also dishonesty, cowardice, deceit, illness and danger. It also signifies Liberalism, and symbolizes extremity.

Symbols in general are signs or marks that define certain brand or idea and represent some information. Most of old languages started as symbols before they were developed to characters and words. Symbols are found in Religious, Artistic, Alchemical, Astronomical, Chemical, Electrical and Mathematical works. Maybe symbols go back to the time of creation when they were perhaps the only means of communication.
By the time ancient civilizations were founded, nations started to choose certain colors and symbols to indicate their identity. The same ancient symbols and colors resemble today the political or religious or social definitions.
Symbols surround us in many forms and most of them are taken for granted today as static signs of religious or secular life that was created long ago. Over time, they have acquired layers of increasingly complex meaning, and this evolution of meaning tells us many ideas about how the nature of life and universe was developed.
The CIRCLE for example is the most common and universal signs, found in all cultures. It is the symbol of the sun in its limitless or boundless aspect. It has no beginning or end, and no divisions, making it the perfect symbol of completeness, eternity, and the soul. It is also the symbol of boundary and enclosure, of completion, and returning cycles. The wedding ring symbolizes not just a pledge of eternal love, but the enclosure of the heart- a pledge of fidelity.
The equal armed SOLAR CROSS is another universal symbol, and the first truly theological emblem, marking not only the points of the solar calendar, but the juxtaposition of the realm of the material with the realm of the divine.
The ARC is found in more complex symbols, especially planetary symbols, represents ascension or striving. It is a traditional element of architecture and often figures in commemorative monuments of triumph and achievement.
The CRESCENT represents the powers of the moon- reflective and receptive. A reversed crescent often represents emptiness and illusion.
The TRIANGLE is associated with Christian trinity or Freemasonry. To the ancient Pythagoreans, the triangle was, as the first complete polygon, the womb of number and the essence of stability.  The upward moving triangle is sometimes called the blade and it is a symbol of aspiration or rising up, male force, and fire. The downward pointing triangle maybe referred to as the chalice. It is the symbol of water, the grace of heaven, and the womb, a representation of the genitalia of the goddess.
The ARROW is known to be a symbol of power and also shows swiftness and knowledge. It was used by the Greek goddess Artemis and the Greek god Apollo who were both known as hunters.  Also used by Greek god Eros, Roman god Cupid, and the Hindu god Kama – all are known as gods of sexual attraction.
The LION is a symbol of power, also indicates bravery and ferocity.
A CRESCENT MOON is a symbol of the aging goddess (crone) to contemporary witches and victory over death. In Islamic lands, crescent can be seen enclosing a lone pentagram.
DRAGON is a mythical monster made up of many animals: serpent, lizard, bird, lion... It may have many heads and breathes fire. To medieval Europe, it was dangerous and evil, but people in Eastern Asia believe it has power to help them against more hostile spiritual forces. In the Bible it represents Satan, the devil.
HEXAGRAM or Six-pointed Star when surrounded by a circle, it represents the "divine mind" (a counterfeit of God's wisdom) to numerous occult groups through the centuries. Many still use it in occult rituals. But to Jewish people, it is their Star of David.
SPIRAL is linked to the "circle". It is as ancient symbol of the goddess, the womb, fertility, feminine serpent force, continual change, and the evolution of the universe.
The square represents the physical world. Like the quartered circle, it points pagans to the four compass directions: north, east, south and west. While the circle and "spiral" symbolize female sexuality in many earth-centered cultures, the square represents male qualities.
SWASTIKA 1 is an ancient occult symbol of the sun and the four directions. Revived by Hitler, it represents racism and the "white supremacy" of Neo-Nazis. Like other occult symbols, it is often placed inside a "circle".
UNICORN means power, purification, healing, wisdom, self-knowledge, renewal and eternal life. Medieval myths suggested it could only be caught with help from a virgin who would befriend it.
All-seeing EYE in the PYRAMID is the official symbol for DARPA Total Information Awareness, a surveillance and information system established by they U.S. government.
CADUCEUS is a figure of two serpents wrapped a center rod where the rod is a symbol of transforming alchemical power. The two serpents represent polarity or duality. Together with the sprouted wings depict the caduceus having an alchemical meaning of balance, duality and following the alchemical process leading to unity. The caduceus is also seen in medical circles.
PENTACLE is a symbol of harmony, health and mystic powers. The Pythagoreans adopted it as a sign of health and the marriage of heaven and earth. As a sign of heaven, earth, as well as human body and mind, the pentacle holds great power.
The LABYRINTH is a winding, maze-like path, often resembling a spiral and almost always has spiritual significance.
The Symbol of SCIENTOLOGY consists of the letter “S” interlaced with two triangles. Each triangle represents three inseparably linked concepts; the KRC (Knowledge, Responsibility and Control) and the ARC” (Affinity, Reality and Communication).The S, stands for “Scientology.”
The ASCLEPIUS (Aesculapius) Wand is the true symbol of the medical profession. It dates to antiquity, and was a symbol of the Greek God of healing, Aesculapius. The symbol of a serpent entwined staff also appears in the biblical book of Exodus, wherein Moses is instructed to erect a brass pole with a serpent; whoever looked upon it was healed. It is the symbol of medicine and pharmacists.
The eight points in the STAR OF ISHTAR represent the movements of the planet Venus associated with this Goddess, and the eight gates of the city of Babylon.
BABYLONIAN TREE OF LIFE (Mesopotamian Tree of Life) in Babylonian mythology was a magical tree that grew in the center of paradise. The Apsu, or primordial waters, flowed from its roots. It is the prototype of the tree described in Genesis: the biblical Tree of Paradise evolved directly from this ancient symbol; it is the symbol from which the Egyptian, Islamic and Kabalistic tree of life concepts originated.
The Four letters in the TETRAGRAMMATON (Greek, ‘four letters’) is the 
true’ name of the God of the Hebrew Scriptures. It never appears complete in written form; only the four consonant letters, YHVH (Hebrew, Yod Heh Vau Heh, read right to left), or in the Latin version, IHVH. In modern Judaism, the Tetragrammaton is commonly referred to as “HaShem,” meaning, “The Name,” and the pronunciation rules still apply.
The TRIQUETRA makes an ideal Christian symbol. It is a perfect representation of the concept of “three in one” in Christian trinity beliefs, and incorporates another popular Christian symbol, the fish, in its original form of the Vesica Pisces. It is sometimes enclosed within a circle to emphasize the unity aspect.
The right EYE OF HORUS/Eye of Ra (Udjat, Wedjat) reflects solar, masculine energy, as well as reason and mathematics. The left eye reflects fluid, feminine, lunar energy, and rules intuition and magic. Together, they represent the combined transcendent power of Horus. The Masonic all seeing eye, the Eye of Providence symbol found on American money, and the modern Rx pharmaceutical symbol are all descended from the this symbol.
The STAR AND CRESCENT OF ISLAM emblem is commonly recognized as the symbol of the Islamic faith, is very ancient, dating back to early Sumerian civilization. The symbol was adopted by the Ottoman Dynasty, who is mainly responsible for its association with Islam. Today, the star and crescent is widely accepted as a symbol of the Islamic faith, and is used in decorative arts, jewelry, and national flags- much like the cross in Christian countries.
The HAMSA, Hand of Fatima is an ancient symbol, used as a protective amulet by both Jews and Muslims. The name Hamsa is derived from the Semitic root meaning “five.” The hand symbol is called the Hand of Fatima by Muslims, named for the daughter of Mohamed, and is sometimes said to symbolize the five pillars or tenets of Islam. In Jewish use, it is sometimes called the hand of Miriam, after the biblical heroine. The eye in hand is considered a powerful talisman against the ‘evil eye,’ and is usually worn around the neck or hung on walls or over the doors of homes and businesses.
The WINGED HEART is a symbol of the Sufi movement, a mystic branch of Islam. The symbol is a heart with wings, symbolizing ascension; the five pointed star represents divine light, the moon responsiveness to this light.
The MASONIC SQUARE AND COMPASS is one of the most common symbols of Freemasonry. The compass and square are architect’s tools, and symbolize God as the architect of the universe, among other things. As measuring instruments, the tools represent judgment and discernment. The compass, which is used to draw circles, represents the realm of the spiritual- eternity. It is symbolic of the defining and limiting principle, and also of infinite boundaries. The angle measures the square, the symbol of earth and the realm of the material. The square represents fairness, balance, firmness, etc.
Together, the compass and square represent the convergence of matter and spirit, and the convergence of earthly and spiritual responsibilities. The two symbols together form a hexagram, the union of earth with the heavens, matter and mind, etc.
Coat of arms of Russia 1917Image via WikipediaThe DOUBLE-HEADED EAGLE is the emblem of the thirty second and thirty-third (and highest) degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Alchemically, the eagle was a symbol of purified sulfur, and was used in alchemical images to portray the ascending spirit. The double heads are often emblematic of the reconciliation of matter and spirit. Other elements in the Masonic eagle reinforce the alchemical symbolism- a sword representing heavenly fire, and the crown of spiritual attainment.
The point within the CIRCUMPUNCT is a symbol used in Freemasonry. It is a solar-phallic symbol used in ancient Egypt to represent the eternal nature of the sun god Ra. The lines which enclose the circle call to mind the Akhet, the ancient ‘gate’ of the sun, a symbol of rebirth and resurrection. To the Pythagoreans, the point and circle represented eternity, whose “center is everywhere and the circumference nowhere.”
The Greek mathematician Pythagoras is credited with the discovery of the GOLDEN RECTANGLE. The Golden Rectangle is built on the “golden ratio” or “golden proportion,” which is determined by the irrational number known as Phi. (Symbolized by its namesake, the Greek letter phi.). To put it simply, a golden rectangle is a rectangle divided in such a way as to create a square and a smaller rectangle that retains the same proportions as the original rectangle. To do this, one must create a rectangle based on the golden ratio. To find the Golden Ratio, one must divide a line so that the ratio of the line to the larger segment is equal to the ratio of the larger segment to the smaller:

There’s an enormous range of symbolic roles that numbers have played in various cultures, religions, and other systems of human thought.
(ONE) is a number, numeral, and the name of the glyph representing that number. It represents a single entity. It is considered to be a primordial unity. The beginning. The Creator. It is the First Cause or the First Mover. One is the sum of all possibilities. It is essence, the Center and refers to isolation. It is seen as the number that gives cause to duality as multiplicity and back to final unity.
Chinese refer to one as Yang, masculine; celestial. For the Christians ONE is the God the Father.  For Hebrews it is Adonai, the Lord, the Most High, the I am. For Muslims it is ONE GOD as unity; the Absolute; self sufficient.

TWO is: Duality- Alteration - Diversity – Conflict - Dependence. It is a static condition. It is rooted, seen as balance (two sides); stability; reflection. Two are the opposite poles. It represents the dual nature of the human being. It is desire, since all that is manifest in duality is in pairs of opposites. The Buddhists see two as the duality of Samsara; male and female. Two is theory and practice; wisdom and method. It is blind and the lame united to see the way and to walk it. For the Chinese it is Yin , feminine; terrestrial; inauspicious. For Christians it is Christ with two natures as God and human. For Hebrews TWO is The life-force. In Kabala it is wisdom and self-consciousness. The Hindu’s Two is duality, the Shakta-Shakti.

THREE is the third dimension. It's roots stem from the meaning of multiplicity. Three is a moving forward of energy, overcoming duality, expression, manifestation and synthesis. Three is the first number to which the meaning "all" was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the beginning, middle and an end.
The power of three is universal and is the Tripartide nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit. Three is birth, life, death. It is the beginning, middle and end. Three is a complete cycle unto itself. It is past, present and future. The symbol of three is the triangle. Pythagorean’s three means completion.
Egyptian’s Hermetic tradition, Thoth is the Thrice Great, 'Trismegistus'. The Supreme Power.

FOUR represents the cardinal points; four seasons; four winds; four directions (as in North, South, East, And West); four elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth).
There are four sides to a square; four arms to a cross. There are four rivers to Paradise. There are four watches of the night and day, quarters of the moon. There are four quarters to the earth. Four is a symbolic number used throughout in the Old Testament. The quaternary can be depicted as the quatre-foil as well as the square and the cross.The Buddhist’s Damba Tree of Life has four limbs and from its roots four sacred streams of Paradise that represent the four boundless wishes of compassion, affection, love impartiality. In Buddhism there are four celestial guardians of cardinal points are Mo-li Ch'ing, the East, with the jade ring and spear; Virupaksha, the West, the Far-gazer, with the four-stringed quitar; Virudhaka, the South, with the umbrella of choas and darkness and earthquakes; Vaisravenna, the North, with the whips, leopard-skin bag, snake and pearl. The Chinese Four is the number of the Earth, symbolized by the square. There are four streams of immortality. It is Yin in polarity. Christian’s Four is the number representing the body, with three representing the soul. Again we see the theme of the four rivers in Paradise. There are four Gospels, Evangelists, chef arch-angels, chef-devils, four Fathers of the Church, Great Prophets. There are four cardinal virtues--prudence, fortitude, justice, temperance. There are four winds from which the One Spirit is said to come. There are four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The Egyptian Four is the sacred number of Time, measurement of the sun. Four pillars support the vault of heaven. Greek Four is the sacred number of Hermes. Four in Hebrew represents measurement; beneficence; intelligence. In the Kabbalah four is memory; four represents the four worlds of the Kabbalah. It also represents the four directions of space and the four levels of the hierarchical organism of the Torah. It is Totality; plenitude; perfection in Hindu. The Four faced Creator in Brahma. The temple is based on the four sides of the square, symbolizing order and finality. Mayan’s Four giants support the celestial roof. Four is seen as the number of support. Pythagorean’s Four is Perfection; harmonious proportion; justice; the Earth. Four is the number of the Pythagorean oath. Four and ten are divinities. The Tetraktys 1+2+3+4 =10.

FIVE is the symbol of human microcosm. It is the number of the human being. Human forms the pentagon when arms and legs are out stretched. The pentagon is endless ---sharing the symbolism of perfection and power of the circle. Five is a circular number as it produces itself in its last digit when raised to its own power. Five in Hindu is a circle. The pentacle, like the circle symbolizes whole, the quincunx being the number of its center and the meeting point of heaven, earth, and the four cardinal points plus the center point. Five is also representative of the Godhead - Central Creator of the four fours plus itself equaling five. The number five symbolizes meditation; religion; versatility. It represents the five senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing) everywhere except in the East The five pointed star depicts individuality and spiritual aspiration, and education when it points upward. If pointed downward it represents witchcraft, and it is used in black magic. Chinese five elements. Five atmospheres; conditions; planets; sacred mountains; grains, colors, tastes, poisons; powerful charms; cardinal virtues; blessings; eternal ideas; relations to human kind.
Christians’ Five senses; Five points to the cross; Five wounds of Christ; fishes feeding five thousand; and Five books of Moses. Five is the nuptial number of love and union.. It is the number of Venus. Venus years are completed in groups of five. Apollo as god of light has five qualities: omniscience, omnipresence; omnipotence, eternity, and unity. Hebrew’s Five represents strength and severity; radical intelligence. In kabala five represents fear. Hindu’s Five elements of the subtle and coarse states; their primary colors; of senses; five faces of Siva and the twice-five incarnations of Vishnu. Islam’s Five pillars of religion; five Divine Presences; five fundamental dogmas; five actions; and five daily times of prayer.

SIX represents equilibrium; harmony - balance. It is the perfect number 1+2+3=6. It is the most productive of all numbers. It symbolizes union of polarity, the hermaphrodite being represented by the two  interlaced triangles, the upward- pointing as male, fire and the heavens, and the downward-pointing as female, the waters and the earth. Six is the symbol of luck; love; health; beauty; chance. Chinese Six represents Universe. Chinese’ six senses: taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing, the sixth being mind. The day and night each have six periods. Christian’s Six is perfection; completion because man was created on the sixth day. Six is man's number The most obvious use of this number is in the notorious passage containing 666. (Rev 13:18 NIV) This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666. In Hebrew and Islam There are six days of creation. It symbolizes meditation and intelligence. It is beauty and creation in Kabala. Luck for Pythagoreans.

SEVEN is the number of the Universe. It is the three of the heavens (soul) combined with the four (body) of the earth; being the first number containing both the spiritual and the temporal. It represents the virginity of the Great Mother - feminine archetype - She who creates. There are 7 ages of man. 7 ancient wonders of the world. 7 circles of Universe. 7 cosmic stages. 7 days of the week 7 heavens 7 hells 7 pillars of wisdom 7 rays of the sun 7 musical notes. In Alchemy there are seven metals involved with the Work.
There are seven stars of the Great Bear which are indestructible. There are seven Pleiades-- sometimes referred to as the, Seven Sisters. Buddhist’s Seven is the number of ascent and of ascending to the highest; attaining the center. The seven steps of Buddha symbolize the ascent of the seven cosmic stages transcending time and space.
In Christianity there are seven sacraments; 7 gifts of spirit; the seven of 3+4 theological and cardinal virtues; 7 deadly sins. There are 7 councils of the early church – 7 crystal spheres containing the planets - 7 devils cast out by Christ – 7 joys and sorrows of Mary - 7 liberal arts – 7 major prophets – 7 periods of fasting and penitence - seventh day after the six of creation In the Old Testament there are the seven altars of Baalam; 7 oxen and 7 rams for sacrifice; 7 trumpets; 7 circuits of Jericho; seven times Naaman bathed in the Jordan. The Ark rested on the seventh month and the dove was sent out after seven days.
The Egyptian priestesses of Hathor have seven jars in their seven tunics. Ra has seven hawks representing the seven Wise Ones. Six cows and a bull represent fertility. There are seven houses of the underworld and Seven is the sacred number of Osiris. Apollo’s lyre has seven strings, Pan had seven pipes and there are seven Wise Men of Greece.
Seven is the number of occult intelligence. There are seven Great Holy Days in the Jewish year; the Menorah has seven branches; the Temple took seven years to build; and there are seven pillars of wisdom. Hinduism’s Seven Jewels of the Brahmans, seven gods before the floods and seven Wise Men saved from it. It is the perfect number in Islam; 7 heavens, 7 climates, 7 earths, 7 seas, 7 color.
Seven is a cosmic number with three of heaven and four of the world. There are seven lunar divisions and days of the week. There are seven zones of earth; heavens, symbolized by the planes of ziggurat. There are seven branches to the Tree of Life each having seven leaves There are seven gates of hell, seven demons of Tiamat and seven winds to destroy her. Seven is a mystic number traditionally associated with Venus and more recently with Neptune.

Spiritually EIGHT is the goal of the initiate, having gone through the seven stages.
Eight is Infinity - Paradise regained. Eight is solidarity as the first cube and it denotes perfection by virtue of it's six surfaces. There are eight winds and intermediate directions of space. Eight represents the pairs of opposites. The octagon is the beginning of the transformation of the square into a circle and vice versa. Eight is Felicity, Perfect rhythm, Regeneration, Resurrection
Buddhist Eight is completion, all possibilities. There are eight symbols of good augury. In China Eight represents the whole. It is all possibilities in manifestation. Eight is seen as a good luck number. Eight is significant in the  trigrams and pairs of opposites in the PAKUA. There are eight delights of human existence. Eight in Christianity is rebirth and regeneration. Eight is perfect intelligence; splendor. The digit value of "IHVH" is the "Number of the Lord". Hindu: 8x8 symbolism is the order of the celestial world established on earth. Temples are built on the pattern of the MANDALA, which is the 8x8 symbol. In their belief system there are eight regions of the world, suns, divisions of the day, and eight Chakras. The Throne in Islam, which encompasses the world, is supported by eight angels, corresponding to both the eight divisions of space and the groups of letters in the Arabic alphabet. Japanese Eight is the "many". There are eight Gods in the heavens. Plato has eight spheres of different colors surrounding the luminous pillars of the heavens. Pythagorean’s Eight is solidarity and stability.

NINE is composed of the all-powerful 3x3. It is the Triple Triad - Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number - the Earthly Paradise. It is the number of the circumference, its division into 90 degrees and into 360 for the entire circumference. Nine is symbolized by the two triangles which are a symbol of male, fire, mountain and female, water, and cave principles. Buddhist tradition holds nine to be the supreme spiritual power, and a celestial number. Chinese Nine is a celestial power. It is 3x3 being the most auspicious of all the numbers. Nine also signifies the eight directions with the center as the ninth point known as the Hall of Light. There are nine great social laws and classes of officials. In land divisions for Feng Shui there are eight exterior squares for cultivation of the land by holders and the central, and ninth, square is a "god's acre", dedicated to Shang-ti, the supreme ruler. It is also known as the Emperor's Field, giving homage and respect denoting the position of heavenly power.
Christians’ Nine is the triple triads of choirs of angels and nine spheres and nine rings around hell. Egyptian mythology nine represents The Ennead. There are nine Greek/Roman Gods and nine muses. Hebrew Nine is pure intelligence (eight was perfect intelligence). Also represents truth, since it reproduces itself when multiplied. Kabbalism nine symbolizes foundation. Hindu Nine is the number of Agni, fire. The square of the nine forms the mandala of eighty-one squares and leads to, and encloses the Universe. Mayan Nine underworlds each ruled by a God. Pythagorean Nine is the limit of all numbers, all others existing and coming from the same.

TEN is the number of the cosmos---the paradigm of creation. All things and possibilities. It is the radix or turning point of all counting. Ten is all-inclusive representing law; order and dominion. The Tetraktys 1+2+3+4= 10 symbolizes divinity and one represents a point; two, length; three, a plane or surface (as a triangle); four, solidity or space. It is seen as the perfect--the return to unity. When based on the digits of the two hands, it is completeness and the foundation of all counting. Its highest ranges of completeness, 100 and 1000, are the basis of all Hindu cosmology and in China the Ten Thousand Things, ie: the uncountable, symbolize the whole of manifestation. Ten is also the number of completion of journeys and returns to origins. Ten is the sum of the number nine of the circumference with the one of the center---being perfection. Chinese character chi, symbolizing the self facing both ways as both Yin and Yang, which is considered to be the perfect figure. The Ten Celestial Stems (Kan) are possibly connected with the names of the ten-day week on the prevailing cyclic calculations, as evident in the number sixty.
There are Ten Commandments of the Decalogue; as there are ten parables of the ten lamps, 10 virgins, and 10 talents. In Solomon¹s Temple there were ten layers, 10 tables and 10 candlesticks. The cherubim were ten cubits high and ten Levites minister before the Ark.  

The number ELEVEN is double digit that repeats itself - therefore is considered as a Master or Power Number. In Numerology - 11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner.
Eleven is a higher octave of the number two. It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.
11:11 is a digital code for awakening. 11 represent balance. It is the Spiraling Twin DNA
In systems such as Astrology and basic Numerology, eleven is considered to be a Master Number. Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. When broken down (1+1=2) It comprises the Two of duality.

TWELVE is the number of Illusion. 12:12 references the digital code for the illusion of time. 2012 in the Mayan Calendar, 12 is the end. The 12 Around 1 to create a matrix or consciousness programs of reality. 12=3 = third dimension = 3D.
Reality is created by 12 a source. 12 is a measure of time - the calendar months - clocks - astrology - etc.
There are twelve signs in the standard Zodiac and twelve months in our year. Twelve hours of the day and night. 12 is a higher octave of the number three and is an indicator of great understanding and wisdom. There were twelve tribes in Israel, twelve disciples, twelve astrological signs in the zodiac, twelve months in the year, and the modern clock is divided into two groups of twelve hours. It is considered to be the ancient number of completion as it signals the end of childhood and the beginning stages of adulthood. The ancient numbering and measuring systems are based on this number, as evidenced by terms such as a dozen (12), a gross (12 times 12), a shilling (12 pence) and a foot (12 inches). There are twelve fruits of the Cosmic Tree, twelve members of the council of the Dalai Lama, twelve paladins or peers of Charlemagne and twelve knights of the Round Table at King Arthur's court. There are twelve Chinese Terrestrial Branches: (chih) Boar- Cock – Dog – Dragon- Goat- Hare – Horse – Monkey – Ox – Rat – Snake –Tiger These are the Beasts of the Constellations and are under the six branches of the Year Tree; there are six wild,---Yin and six domestic---Yang animals represented. There are twelve gates and foundation stones of the Holy City. Herodotus says there are twelve gods and goddesses of Olympus. Aaron had twelve precious stones in his breastplate. There were twelve sons of Jacob. There are twelve months of the year and there were twelve torments.There are Twelve descendants of Ali the cousin of Muhammad. Zodiac has six northern (wet) and six southern (dry) signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are fire, hot and dry, East. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorns are earth, cold, dry, South. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are air, hot, wet, West. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are water, cold, wet, North.

The number THIRTEEN is probably the most common of all superstitions, considered a bad luck number. 13 is a Fibonacci Number (F7). 13 is the second Star Number. There are 13 circles in Metatron's Cube. 13 is the atomic number of aluminum. The Luna-solar calendar generally has 12 months but every second or third year has 13. With the 12 around 1 = 13 people at the Last Supper, 12 disciples around Jesus, his death creating bad luck, until he returns. Some streets do not contain a house number 13. In some forms of motor sport, for example Formula One, there is no number 13 car. The legion with which Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon was the Legio XIII Gemina or the 13th legion. The Code of Hammurabi does not contain a thirteenth law. The Apollo 13 spacecraft malfunctioned after being launched on April 11th at 13:13 CST, forcing it to return to Earth without a landing on the moon and imperiling its crew.

TWENTY-ONE is a number of mystical import, partly because it is the product of 3 and 7, the most sacred of the odd numbers, but especially because it is the sum of the numerical value of the letters of the Divine Name, Eheyeil, thus:5+ 10+ 5+ 1 = 21.
It is little valued in Freemasonry, but is deemed of great importance in the Cabala and in Alchemy; in the latter, because it refers to the twenty-one days of distillation necessary for the conversion of the grosser metals into silver.

THIRTY-SIX In the Pythagorean doctrines of numbers, it symbolized the male and female powers of nature united, because it is composed of the sum of the four odd numbers, 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16, added to the sum of the four even numbers, 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 = 20, for 16 + 20 = 36.

FORTY is the multiple of two perfect numbers four and ten. The alleged period of probation of our Adam and Eve in Eden; the continuous deluge of forty days and nights, and the same number of days in which the maters remained upon the face of the earth; the Lenten season of forty days' fast observed by Christians with reference to the fast of Jesus in the Wilderness, and by the Hebrews to the earlier desert fast for a similar period; of the forty years spent in the Desert by Moses and Elijah and the Israelites, which succeeded the concealment of Moses the same number of years in the land of Midian. Moses was forty days and nights on the Mount. The days for embalming the dead were forty.
The forty years of the reign of Saul, of David, and of Solomon; the forty days of grace allotted to Nineveh for repentance; the forty days' fast before Christmas in the Greek Church; as well as its being the number of days of mourning in Assyria, Phoenicia, and Egypt, to commemorate the death and burial of their Sun God; and as well the period in the festivals of the resurrection of Adonis and Osiris; the period of forty days thus being a bond by which the whole world, ancient and modern, Pagan, Jewish, and Christian, is united in religious sympathy.

Well there is more in this strange mystic life.
What do we know!

Sami Cherkaoui

Enhanced by Zemanta

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