
Monday, August 19, 2013

Egypt jeopardizes USA Plans in Middle East

Ironically, USA is presently pushing against the will of the Egyptian People, by restlessly defending the Muslim Brothers, and by trying to restore their power, despite the ugly offenses this group is practicing in Egypt, against the civil people, the military, the governmental buildings and institutes, the infrastructure of the country and its National Security!
USA support of democracy changed dramatically in Egypt to support militia groups came to power a year ago by a non clear election results! Some say that a deal was struck then by USA and Muslim Brothers, in which the latter promised to establish a peaceful environment to Israel on the Gaza and Sinai borders!
When the Muslim Brothers came to power, it was crystal clear that they were building their own political, military and social system. They repeatedly deprived other political groups to share with them a new system or regime. The Muslim Brothers through their expelled President Mursi, also refused any other party or individual to be an integral part of this new regime, outside their own party except their closest allies.
This led to  massive manifestations, and almost half the population of Egypt occupied the streets to demonstrate their strongest rejections to the President and his party the Muslim Brothers.
The Egyptian Army understood the message of the people and offered to be an intermediary between the people and the President and his party.
However, the President refused to change any of his previous bills and decisions, and chose to face the opposition with his party by any means.
The Egyptian Army gave a week to the President to listen to the voice of people and solve the crisis before it comes ugly. When this warning was completely rejected, the Army expelled the President and appointed a temporary Acting President who in turn selected a temporary Government with a sole purpose to re-write the Constitution by neutral legislators, to reach a general election and eventually election of a new president.
The Muslim Brothers rebelled violently in the streets of the country, and started to attack the civilians and military soldiers and attack every government and police building.
More-over, suddenly a serious spread of arms appeared in the hands of the Muslim Brothers, and they are using in street fights against the police and military units as well as the civilians, what is causing several victims dead and injured every day.
This is a brief picture about what is happening now in Egypt.
On the political side, the world was split in opinions between pro and against the step that was taken by the Army.
Surprisingly USA and Europe were the strongest opponents to the Egyptian Army and the strongest supporter to the Expelled President and his party the Muslim Brothers.
Well this is also surprising in the sense that USA and Europe are "supposedly" against the Muslim Brothers and their allies who are fighting the Assad Regime in Syria side by side with the Free Syrian Army. And because of them USA and Europe are hesitating to supply the Free Syrian Army with sufficient weaponry that can allow them to balance the military arms with the Syrian Army.?
This can be a real puzzle. But let us dig more and see why USA is doing what is doing in the Middle East. Or in other words; why they want the Middle East always a shaky land, like what is happening in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and now Egypt.
To be able to answer this question, we have to understand it first. And to understand it we have to look at what USA wants in the Middle East? Then immediately we can see the word Israel pops out.
When USA spoke during the War on Iraq about a New Middle East, it seemed then that such plan was ready, but interrupted when Obama came to power?
With Obama's second term, it looks that this plan can be safe to be "tried", since Obama can be blamed personally if it failed.
And it seems that the Plan is based on the a assumption that the people in the Middle East are all religious extremists or at least 70% of them!
And on the assumption that those extremists are split into Sunnis and Shiites, and they will have eventually enough political, geographical and demographic space to fight upon.
And on the assumption that those extremists can come to power and be able to control the other extremists from Al Qaeda and other similar sects.
And on the assumption that Iran and Hezbollah will be engaged negatively with those new rulers in the territory and calm down on Israel.
And on the assumption that if all the above assumptions are realized, then "supposedly" Israel will enjoy Peace with the neighboring countries including Lebanon.

It seems that the USA plan with its assumptions, was working fine till a month ago, when in few days the Egyptian Army together with the Egyptian People expelled the Muslim Brothers' President, and crack down on all Muslim Brothers leaders and their established civil commotion quarters in the streets of Cairo.
Yesterday, the Egyptian Army Leader, Abdel Fattah Sisi, clearly said that the USA's threats in cutting their military and economic supports on Egypt will mean nothing and will not make the Egyptian People Back Up.
Well, this may prolong the instability in Egypt and can mean more bloodshed!! However it also means that USA has its first slap on the face, and the Arabs need only someone to slap first and they will take it from there...
This reminds me of the USA strategy of the so called "Arab Spring". It started in Tunis and then spread to Libya, Syria, Egypt etc... And proved to be a complete failure to the people who came to power after the "Spring" and also to the USA and its supporters, because they are not able till now to control what they have created.
(May be this can make understand why Iraq is still a messy state!)
But would this be a promising success to the other countries that are opposing the USA plans in the Middle East? Or a promising success to the Egypt?
Or would this be a cause to a direct war between the super powers?
Or a war between Israel and Egypt?
Or a war between Iran and its neighboring Gulf countries?
Or a war between Hezbollah and Israel?
Would this be a step for a new understanding of the American Administration, to the Arabs mainly and to the Muslims in general and also to the Christians in the Middle East?
I certainly hope so, because I feel that if USA stops igniting the threads of discrimination, and stop playing on the religious differences, they can at least gain from the territory. So far they are in a complete loss.

Sami Cherkaoui

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