
Friday, November 1, 2013

Evil Politics & Politicians

Halloween ... is a retrieval of evil or so they say ....
In the Middle East .... Evil was and still is seeding there...
With a quick view on how the "World" dealt with the Region before, we can clearly see how they are re-writing the history of this "sensitive" region.
The Middle East was and still is the historical origin of major religions.

This means continuous struggles between Good & Evil!
Continuous conspiracies, wars, bloodshed and of-course racism, fanaticism, ignorance, idiocy ... you name it.

Throughout its history the Middle East has been a major center of world affairs; a strategically, economically, politically, culturally, and religiously sensitive area, however all these criteria were fora securing an unstable future for Arab countries and |Islamic countries in the region such as Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. 

The earliest civilizations, Mesopotamia  and ancient Egypt, originated in the Fertile Crescent and Nile Valley regions of the ancient Near East, as well as the civilizations of the Levant, Persia, and Arabian Peninsula.

The Arab Caliphates of the Middle Ages, or Islamic Golden Age, that would first unify the entire Middle East as a distinct region and create the dominant ethnic identity that persists today.

The Turkic Seljuk, Ottoman and Safavid empires would later dominate the region.

The Seljuk and later Ottoman Empires  were medieval  Sunni Muslim empires, that  controlled vast areas stretching from the Hindu Kush to eastern Anatolia and from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf. Later the Ottoman expansion reached West Mediterranean, north and East Europe.

The Safavids ruled the greatest Iranian Empire since the Islamic conquest of Persia and established the school of Shi'a Islam as the official religion of their empire, marking one of the most important turning points in the history of Islam.

Despite their demise in 1736, the Safavids have left their mark down to the present era by establishing and spreading Shi'a Islam in major parts of the Caucasus and West Asia, especially in Iran.

Most of Arab countries were once occupied by the Turks, and Ottoman rules were established in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon Etc..

In the aftermath of the war, the Arabs found themselves freed from centuries of Ottoman Sultanate rule, but under the mandate colonial rule of France and the United Kingdom.
When Hussein declared himself King of the Hejaz, he also declared himself King of all Arabs (malik bilad-al-Arab).
This aggravated his conflict with Ibn Saud, with whom he had fought before WWI on the side of the Ottomans in 1910.
Two days after the Turkish Caliphate was abolished by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on March 3, 1924, Hussein declared himself Caliph.
The claim to the title had a mixed reception, and he was soon ousted and driven out of Arabia by the Saudis, a rival clan that had no interest in the Caliphate. Saud defeated Hussein in 1924.
Hussein continued to use the title of Caliph when living in Trans-Jordan.

Another important incident was building up in the region. When in1897 Theodore Herzl established the Zionist Movement, he was actually encouraging Jews around the world, to re-establish their national state, within Palestine. 
He called on all Jews to immigrate to the territory. Turkey banded the Jewish Immigration but later eased its rule under enormous pressure from Europe.
By the end of the First World War, Great Britain had the British Mandate for Palestine. The issuance of the Balfour Declaration greatly increased the immigration of Jews to Palestine. In 1947, Great Britain decided to turn its Mandate over to the United Nations, which, in the same year, adopted Resolution 181, partitioning the land into two states, one Arab and one Jewish.
 The Jewish community agreed to the partition, but Arab countries and Palestinian Arabs did not, resulting in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the first in a series of wars fought between Israel and the Arab world. 
The French made few concessions to Arab nationalism, and rejected draft treaties, intensifying their grip on Syria and Lebanon.
In Egypt nationalist agitation after World War I led Britain to proclaim that country an independent monarchy under King Fuad I (1868-1936). The British, however, still retained the right to station troops there.
In Iran the Shah was unwilling to give up his traditional powers, and the British and Russians were unwilling to give up their spheres of influence. During World War I, therefore, they both stationed troops in an ostensibly neutral Persia.
At the end of World War I, the League of Nations granted the area to the United Kingdom as a mandate. It initially formed two former Ottoman vilayets (regions): Baghdad and Basra into a single country in August 1921. Five years later, in 1926, the northern Vilayet of Mosul was added, forming the territorial boundaries of the modern Iraqi state.
The League of Nations granted Class A mandates for the French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon and British Mandate of Mesopotamia and Palestine.
Parts of the Ottoman Empire on the Arabian Peninsula became what is today Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

During the mandate, British colonial administrators ruled the country, and through the use of British armed forces, suppressed Arab and Kurdish rebellions against the occupation. They established the Hashemite king, Faisal, who had been forced out of Syria by the French, as their client ruler.
Likewise, British authorities selected Sunni Arab elites from the region for appointments to government and ministry offices.

French Mandate distribution of Sham countries
What is happening today, despite all sorts of disguising this matter is a clear reflect of a deadly past. What differs today that the internal conflict between the same people is not only between the Christians and Muslims, but also between the different Muslim Sects and the different Christians sects... each of them against each other,
In the past, when the people were engaged with their religious and political fighting, and all the chaos that was spread all over the lands, the League of  Nations were able to eliminate a whole country called Palestine at that time and replaced it with a new country called Israel.
The region began to see series of "military coups" and more rulers toppled and new rulers came to rule,,, till the people of Egypt revolt against their King "Farouk" in 1952 and a new Era began with President Nasser who completed the revolution task and took back Suez Canal from the French and the British.
This action put Israel in Jeopardy. So the three states (France, Britain and Israel) declared war against Egypt in 1956, but was not supported as it should, by the United States. USA at that time had a different Agenda, and was emerging as a new rich and strong power, and wanted to befriend the Arab Gulf rulers when oil discoveries in their lands were announced. USA also was the sole creditor of the three states together, after being almost bankrupted after WW2.
Egypt won the war and resumed control on Suez Canal and its revenues.
Later in 1967 USA supported Israel to win territories in Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Israel took Jerusalem and made it the Capital of Israel. Also took Golan Heights in Syria, and most of Bilad Al Sham was under its surveillance. It also took Sina and secured its South front.  However, it failed to secure passage to its trade through Suez Canal. And this was Israel main concern till it is fulfilled through a Peace accord reached through President Sadat after he won a 1973 war against Israel. They say Israel agreed to pay such high price for this purpose only; sailing through Suez Canal.
Then USA worked systematically in the region to eliminate all dangers that are surrounding Israel. It declared war against Saddam Husein, because he was no more trusted as a "Peaceful Tyrant" and failed in a test with Kuwait.
It occupied Afghanistan to control the spread of "Sunni Extremists" and use this with their political and military dispute with Iran.
It supported the topple of Bin Ali in Tunis and Qaddafi in Libya by their own people, however it left the people to handle a bigger struggle with each other.
It permitted the topple of Mubarak in Egypt, but left Egypt with a new experience that was threatening to make Egypt weaker, and ready to accept any sort of solution for stability.
When President Morsi was toppled by the support of the Egyptian army, the whole influence of USA in the region was at stake. Iran grabbed this momentum, and put a moderate leader that managed to reach in a short time a kind of understanding with the Americans that angered the Saudis.

What is going on in Syria today, may be considered as a tough revenge against Assad himself, because he did not completely go along with USA plans in the region and perhaps tried to take more than what he was supposed to have.  USA probably does not wish to give Lebanon as a price to Assad after his strong support to Iran and Hezbollah.
Hezbollah was a strong card to Iran, and a wild card to USA. However after its military involvement in Syria, it seems the end of its era has begun, with an OK from Iran. Assad had once this wild card, but lost this "privilege" somehow, when he was pushed to put his country in a civil war crisis.
All what is going on today in the Arab countries is actually a bloody dialogue between the super powers and USA, (with Europe against USA “full success” from behind the scenes), with Iran, Turkey and Israel being the "willing" tools, that seem to do anything for the sake of having their "past powers back".
Sadly, it does not really matter to USA what will happen to Egypt and Syria, or how long their agonies take. Because USA, is almost the only international country, which has a physical existence in the heart of the Middle East: militarily (in Afghanistan and Israel), Politically (In Iraq and Israel) and economically (In Arab Gulf States and Israel).

The longest times Syria and Egypt remain in their agonies, the best it is for Israel. Because both countries are the direct powers that can give real threats to Israel, after the Palestinians have already passed this "fighting each other" game successfully and they are now of no stratigic threat to Israel.

The question of Hezbollah in Lebanon can be solved and probably all Hezbollah would be dissolved with an understanding between Iran and USA.
The Panoramic View on the region is getting clearer, and we can almost see the divided states.
Also we can see a more secured Israel and more weak Arab States and a more hesitant Iran.
Despite all "Genevas" proposed meetings whether they happened or not, we will see more Weapons to countries in the region to keep them engaged in ethnic fighting.
Iran will be so busy in this war, and will forget about its nuclear program ...
Turkey will find more internal troubles and disturbances.
Rich Arab countries will pour money to find safety.
Israel will wash its hands from any peace arrangements with the Palestinians.
USA and the super powers will interfere again and as usual, to find solutions between friends, enemies and allies.

And these solutions must be in favour of everybody except the victims.

Who can say this is not Evil Politics? And who can say that those politicians who are running the game are not Evil Politicians?

Sami Cherkaoui

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