
Monday, May 15, 2017

History in Science, Myth and Religion.

Not only history, but may be Future also... 


I am not a scientist, nor a historian.
I  am in love with Historical, Mythological and Religious stories
I also love to discuss these subjects.

Let us take a deep breath, sit back, calm down, open our minds and try to figure out something .....anything about this life, universe, skies, earth, seas, mountains, creation, humans, animals, plants....

I know it is a lot to think about... but it is all linked one to another.

So it is not possible to think about one issue without linking it to another.

To simplify, We may have to take this in sequence; first the creation, universe, skies, earth etc...

However, and because we have to dig into millions of years of history... our sources are limited to three... Science, Myth and Religion.

As these three factors appear to be absolute conflicts, it seems they share the same intel but differ in data and performance.

Let us see how.

If we want to tackle the subject of Creation, we see that Science, Myth and religion all agree that at a certain point of time there was a creation.
Then they all have their logic about when and how.
Science speaks about Big Bang. A big explosion that created the universe, its planets and all other features of life.

Myth talks about different Gods each came from different parts of the sky and created its related nature on earth. Light, Darkness, Seas, Mountains, Rivers, Trees etc...

Religion talks about one God who decided at one certain time to create the universe with all its features as we see them now, skies, earth, planets, creatures etc..

But they all seem inter-related or dependent on one another in starting this quest.

The Big Bang theory relies on two main assumptions: the universality of physical laws, and the Cosmological Principle. 

 A graphic scheme of an artist's concept illustrating the expansion of a portion of a flat Universe.
Albeit it is  a scientific theory which addresses the origins of reality, it has always carried theological and philosophical implications.

Several cosmologists complained that the beginning of time implied by the Big Bang imported religious concepts into physics; this objection was later repeated by supporters of the steady state theory.

The relationship between religion and myth come in different shapes and meanings, depending on the kind of the story and what religion has tackled this story or a similar one.

Religious groups react to science with respect to its implications for their respective religious cosmologies.
Some accept the scientific evidence as is, while others seek to reconcile the Big Bang dor example with their religious tenets, and others completely reject or ignore the evidence for the Big Bang theory.

So, from where shall we begin ?

Not yet.

May be we have to complicate matters more, and talk also about our world/universe and the alternative world(s)/universe(s).

Recent studies are seriously discussing the issue of multiverse (or meta-universe, metaverse) as a non-discovered-yet fact.

They talk about a set of multiple possible universes including ours, that together comprise everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy  and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them.
The various universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes.

Well then, if we have to talk about parallel or alternative universes, may be we have to talk as well about Deja Vu.!

Deja Vu or "already seen"; also called paramnesia, from Greek meaning near, against, contrary to memory or promnesia, is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously .This is accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness," "strangeness," "weirdness," or what Sigmund Freud calls "the uncanny.
The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience has genuinely happened in the past.

But why we have to include this Deja Vu, in our discussions of history, universe, myth and religion?
Deja Vu is discussed as a fiction subject or mental disorder.
However lately there are attempts to categorize it scientifically as a fringe science which may pave a way to the discoveries of alternative worlds or universes if they are not already discovered.

Also, this subject is not far form the mythical and religous stories.
It is even hinted in all religious books, and it is worth trying to unbreak the different "codes" or "cyphers" related to paranormal issues or at least find out why they were put and what they refer to..

Many issues to tackle.....
Maybe best to simplify matters more in coming articles..
Help from readers not only welcomed but certainly will be most appreciated.

Sami Cherkaoui

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