
Monday, May 31, 2010

Freedom Flotilla and Trip to Death

All of us were following the news of 6 ships having groups of Peace Activists on board, on a symbolic trip to Gaza in an attempt to break the blockade on its people and deliver some food and necessities.

Those men and women from different parts of the world were brave and bold enough to face a decision taken by Israel against the freedom of Gaza people, where for 3 years Gaza was and still is under siege and deprived from having the very basics elements of living.

Israeli army carried its government orders, and attacked with brute force, the ships before entering its territorial waters.

Many persons were killed and many were injured and the rest were taken like criminals or terrorists to Ashdod.

Israel said they had to do this because the people on board attacked the soldiers with metal sticks and knives and described the ships as ships with voyage of terror.... What An Excuse

IDF spokeswoman Avital Leibowitz said light weapons and handguns were confiscated from the flotilla.... Yeah, right.... this is a dangerous threat and put the very existence of Israel on the edge....

Israeli Prime Miniister Netanyahu regreted what happened, but said it was in self defense and necessary to do it and supported his military forces 100%.... Sure....

All other world leaders condemned, what happened some with very strong wordings and some with caution.... Typical

The UN, as well as Germany, France and Britain want a thorough and transparent investigation.... their further comments that "it is not acceptable to distort the balance in international law"... Go figure - what this can mean!

USA and Mr. Obama deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries sustained and currently working to understand the circumstances surrounding this tragedy....... Amazing.

Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said that they have a history of arms smuggling and deadly terror, and there were weapons onboard prepared in advance to be used against Israeli forces...... Yeah....maybe this is the "circumstances" Mr. Obama wanted to hear....This is amazing... how the business of lying can have no limits and no consideration to the others.....
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, repeated his view that a different and better way of helping the people of Gaza and avoiding the hardship and tragedy that is inherent in the present situation.........Right but incredibly late

About 2 million people in Gaza under siege for 3 years.
They do not have the basic means of living.
They live way under the line of poverty.
They should be relieved that there are still people thinking about them and ready to put their lives at risk for them.

However, there are still people willing to take advantage of any similar catastrophe for their own selfish benefits.

For those people I say, It does not need a Death Trip from time to time to alert the world that there are 2 million lives in Gaza dying bit by bit every single minute of everyday....

Just remember..... Because History never forget.

Sami Cherkaoui

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