
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Helen Thomas Vs Gibbs in White House

“The initial reaction to the flotilla massacre, deliberate massacre, an international crime, was pitiful. What do you mean you regret something that should be so strongly condemned, and if any other nation in the world had done it, we would have been up in arms? What is this ironclad relationship where a country that deliberately kills people and boycotts every aid and abet… the boycott?”

This was the question which Helen Thomas asked the White House spokesman in today's briefing, with regard to Israel military actions against the civilian activists on board the 6 ships that tried to give some aid to the people of Gaza.
Gibbs tried to shut her up so she does not complete the undesired question.

But she managed to complete the question despite his interruptions and his attempts to justify the USA not take any stands from Israel crime against the people on board the ships who were trying to give some aid to the sieged people in Gaza.

He tried to express USA sympathy and that it regrets the loss of lives.

He tried to explain that the US is waiting for detailed information about what actually happened.

But Helen Thomas insisted to complete her question to the end and demanded a clear answer.

When he finally said: "Nothing can bring them back".

Helen Thomas, sure gave Press Secretary Robert Gibbs in a hard time by railing against the Obama administration for not calling the event a “deliberate massacre” and more concretely confronting the Israeli government.

She was right.... if another country other than Israel did it.... the USA would be up in arms.. But not if Israel did it.... Israel is allowed.

In USA views:
Even if Israel did the crime... Israel is the victim
The real victims are the bad people...
The people who lost their country.... are not allowed to fight to take it back..
Resistance for Freedom is terror....
They are not allowed even to fight in diplomacy, or even in words.
They are not allowed to propose peace.
They are not allowed to negotiate peace.
They have to listen and obey..
If they do not.. then they are working against the world peace and security.

Well, I see the USA has now a tough time to back up its notorious friend without damaging its interests with other allies.

Let us wait and see what Mr. Obama wants to discuss behind the curtains.
And what price Israel is willing eventually to pay.
Sami Cherkaoui

Helen Thomas (90 yeas) is a news service reporter, from Lebanese origing, A Hearst Newspapers columnist, member of the White House Press Corps and author. She served for fifty-seven years as a correspondent and, later, White House bureau chief for United Press International (UPI). Thomas has covered every President of the United States since the later years of the Eisenhower administration, coming to the forefront with John F. Kennedy. She was the first female officer of the National Press Club, the first female member and president of the White House Correspondents Association, and, in 1975, the first female member of the Gridiron Club. She has written five books; her latest with co-author Craig Crawford is Listen Up, Mr. President: Everything You Always Wanted Your President to Know and Do.

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