
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Human Age and the quest of Adam

Scientists confirmed they found fossil-skull pieces for human species used to live 1 to 2 million years ago.

Other scientists do not agree and argue that these skulls might be for other different species but certainly not human.

Whether human or not, the question really is about life on this planet about 2 million years ago.

Well, I think it can matter if there was human life 2 million years ago.
Anyways, the real question is what are these other species they talk about?

If so, then the possibility of human life is larger.
If not, then what do they mean?

Aliens? possible

Religious books inform us in different ways that our father Adam (Who is supposed to be the first human on earth) was created about 6000 years ago.
History confirms this as follows:
Adam - Cain - Abel - Seth - Enosh - Kenan - Mahalale - Jared - Enoch (Idris)- Methusaleh - Lamech - Noah (about 1100 years after Adam and from his sons Ham and Sham came Canaan and Aram with others) - Shelah - Eber - Peleg - Joktan - Reu - Serug - Nahor - Terah - HAran - Nahor - Abraham ( about 1960 years after Adam) -
Then between Abraham and Jesus there was 2000 years and the generations of the following:
Ismail till Mohamed (about 700 years after Jesus)
Isaac - Jacob - Joseph - David - Solomon - Jesus

Obviously science has a different perspective.

However religion, history and science agree that Earth already existed long before.

But Science suggests that life was on Earth since it existed. Not necessarily human life. Maybe.

Religion hints that there were other species living before Adam; they are called Angels, Demons, Genies, Giants. They lived on Earth and In Space ( The Skies - Heavens)

Science talk about Aliens and life in space. Sometimes they visit Earth.

The genealogy and chronology of the names mentioned above are really intriguing because the generations we know have built their civilizations rooting from those names and were affected by their differences, also influenced most by the myth(s) of the other non human species of angels, demons, giants, genies etc.. Or Aliens....

All this bring us back to the real real question:

Was there more than one Adam? why, how and when?

Hope to listen well to the whispers of the wind.

Sami Cherkaoui

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