
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Starting The Blogs

Today 26 May 2010

It just occurred to me today, that I can really communicate back all what I receive or hear or watch of daily news, whether they are political, social, scientific, entertaining etc...
The flood of daily news is so intense and do not take any rest.

So I chose to use an Entr'acte every day

In this Entr'acte, I will take a hot subject daily and talk about it.
Try to discuss it from a neutral perspective.

My feeling is that we are being used by so many powers.
Left. Right. Middle - does not matter - they are all powers.
Those powers want us to understand what they want and not what we want.
They have all the means and powers to do this.

This is why we are at loss to understand the real meaning of what is happening around us, and may be this Entr'acte can help us in comprehending matters and issues better.
Go deep into them.
Find out the answers of Why, Who and Where.

History is an amazing subject.
I believe that we are reading wrong history books, or written in a wrong or deceiving way, and all the bad things happening now in our world is because these wrong readings.

I am not saying that some people are better than other people.
Or some religions are better than other religions.
Or some countries are better than other countries.

I believe we are all one people - actually the same people. Humans
There is one country - Earth
And Religion should not be discussed as a political issue.

The difference is how we were raised - who raised us -and why they raised us to be us like we are now?

To be neutral is to be free of any obligation to a third party.
Talking to Third Parties of-course is not a bias as long as they also feel the same.

The Wind Is The Water's Whisperer

Let us try to hear these whispers

Sami Cherkaoui

1 comment:

  1. "I believe we are all one people - actually the same people. Humans
    There is one country - Earth
    And Religion should not be discussed as a political issue.

    The difference is how we were raised - who raised us -and why they raised us to be us like we are now?"

    This is so true :) :)

