
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Creation and Reincarnation

Since we are speaking about Creation of one  life or various different lives or worlds or dimensions, and trying to link the theories of religion, myth and science...

And also since we are talking about simulated reality, dreams, Deja Vu and cloning...

We must not forget a very serious theory, which many cultures have believed in and submit certain kind of stories to prove it. Reincarnation....
What is it and how it was originated...
And how we can relate it scientifically or religiously..

When we try to dig in this subject, we find that reincarnation or the concept of rebirth, was followed major Indian cultures, including Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhist...
The idea was also fundamental to some Greek Philosophers and religions, Druidism and some societies around the world such as Siberia, West Africa, North America and Australia.

Some sects within Judaism, Christianity and Islam such as Hassidim and Cathars believe in some aspects of Reincarnation.

Some Islamic researchers, refer certain Aya(s) in the Qur'an as a kind of reincarnation. When God talks about " Dying twice and living twice"... or " folding the skies and start again the creation"...
Other argues that this might refer to different lives and not necessarily reincarnation.
Some claim that when God says "There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you", it is definitely meant that they have all, animals, birds and humans processed the concept of transmigration of soul into flesh.. since they are all considered as same communities.

Many Christians regard Jesus as a divine incarnation and they and many Muslims believe he and some prophets may incarnate again.

Shi'a Muslim sects also regard their founders as in some special sense divine incarnations

The early Christian sect "Ebionites" taught that the Holy Spirit had come as Adam and later reincarnated as Jesus. Other Jewish Christian groups such as the  Elkasaites and Nazarites also believed this. The Clementine Homilies, an early Christian document, also taught many incarnations of Jesus. The Samaritans believed that Adam had reincarnated as Seth, then Noah, Abraham, and even Moses.

Reincarnation has always been a part of Jewish and Christian history. In fact, orthodox Judaism still teaches reincarnation.

The true meaning of reincarnation is "entering the flesh again" and it corresponds with the English phrase "transmigration of the soul" but consequently a continuation of the soul and not the flesh.

Some philosophers like Dr. Dahesh.. believe that reincarnation is not necessary a transmigration of the soul into another flesh.. but can be a transmigration also to plants and material items such as stones, wood, steel etc... and this is because human is given several chances to purify the soul because God as he is The Merciful does not want humans to go to hell from their first sins.... He make them complete some multiple purification procedures on earth by multiple reincarnations.

The Buddhist  concept of reincarnation is that there is no eternal "soul", "spirit' or self" but only a "stream of consciousness" that links life with life.
In Buddhist tradition the process occurs across five or six realms of existence, including the human, any kind of animal and several types of supernatural being. It is said in Tibetan Buddhism that it is very rare for a person to be reborn in the immediate next life as a human.

The Egyptians believed that the soul transmigrated from body to body and this was a reason why they embalmed the body in order to preserve it so that it could journey along with ka, an animating force that was believed to be counterpart of the body, which would accompany it in the next world or life.

Thomas Sawyer said that one of the purposes of the life review is to make an informed choice between remaining in spirit and returning to flesh. Should we choose to merge completely with the light of God, we will never again be able to choose, on our own decision, to return to physical life. The decision to merge in the light is the best decision

Near-death experiences prove this misconception to be just that - a misconception. This is because time as we know it does not exist in the spirit world. A person can literally spend an "eternity" in the spirit realms, if they wish to do so, and have the freedom to decide if they want to reincarnate or not. The ultimate goal of reincarnation is to learn enough lessons from Earth lives that reincarnation is no longer necessary.

According to Ian Stevenson, the memories normally occur between the ages of three and seven years then fade shortly afterwords; he compared the memories with reports of people known to the deceased, attempting to do so before any contact between the child and the deceased's family had occurred, and searched for dis confirming evidence that could provide alternative explanations for the reports aside from reincarnation.
Stevenson believed that the best evidence for reincarnation was the existence of birth marks and deformities on children when they occurred at the location of fatal wounds in the deceased, but also claimed unusual behaviors such as phobias for the thing that killed the deceased, and in some cases the mother having a dream in which the deceased announces their intention to reincarnate in the child, were also evidence of reincarnation.

No matter what the truth is....
For sure there is a cycle of life which starts and ends...
This cycle could be the same cycle of nature..Seasons
If springs starts the green.... the other seasons follow till the green die.
Then spring comes again.

Would life restarts... how and when?

Sami Cherkaoui

1 comment:

  1. it might be like if a person dies he comes back again but in another form, it doesnt have to be human again, maybe an animal? or a plant who knows? do they come back each time learning something from the previous life they had?

    and it caught my attention when u said "If springs starts the green.... the other seasons follow till the green die.
    Then spring comes again'' yes maybe it will restart over and over again till the end of days? i dont know. so many un-answered questions in this lifetime. makes a person always curious!!!
