
Friday, June 11, 2010

Creation and the Simulated Reality

I have received few comments on the the subject of Science, Mythology and Religion.
Mainly about Deja Vu.
My daughter comment included Magic, a subject which I missed to tackle directly.. since I was considering that Mythology can cover it.
But the suggestion that Magic and Religion link together was something new and worth considering.

About Deja Vu.
My niece comments touched indirectly the possibility that we are living another life in our dreams.
Well the actual theory is somehow different.
Actually quite the opposite.
We live a dream when we wake up.
This is what scientists call simulated reality.
That we are living in a simulated reality.

Actually "simulation hypothesis" claims it is entirely possible and even probable that we are living in a simulated reality.

This was handled well in movies like Avatar, Matrix, Surrogates..

Science argue that it is possible that in a virtual people simulation one can not have a real body in the external reality of the physical world
They can move from entity to entity by the power of mind..
Another way is cloning... by taking a sample of its virtual DNA and create a real-world
vis-a-vis from that model.(Typical Twin)
Well this Typical Twin is what parallel world or dimension is all about.
And it is the vey matter that religion, mythology and even magic talk about.
We find the Typical Twin in most of their stories under different names..

We can go back to this subject later.

Now let us go to the sequence we talked about.

What about creation?

If science talk about Big Bang.

Myth and Religion are not that far away..

The difference is in timing..

Let us see how..and we start with Mythology

In any society, the stories of creation are usually regarded as a profound truth.
They are commonly considered cosmological myths--that is they describe the ordering of the cosmos from a state of chaos or amorphousness.
They are also considered sacred accounts, and can be found in nearly all known religious traditions.

They are all stories with a plot and characters who are either deities, human like figures or animals who often speak and transform easily.
They are set in a dim and nonspecific past.

Common motifs include the fractionation of the things of the world from a primordial chaos; the separation of the mother and father gods; and land emerging from an infinite and timeless ocean.

Different societies all over the world had different myths, even different in the same continent.

The Bakuba's in Africa for instance says that there was nothing but darkness and water controlled by a giant who felt pain in the stomach on day and vomited the sun, moon and stars. Then the Sun evaporated water to cover Earth and create clouds then mountains emerged. The second vomit of the giant then came the firm Man and Woman, animals, trees,razor, medicine etc..

This is not much different of the story of creation in Religion - six days creations started with light to reach Adam and Eve.
Buddhism  generally ignores the question regarding the origin of life. The Buddha regarding the origin of life has said "Conjecture about [the origin, etc., of] the world is an unconjecturable that is not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about it.

Buddhism is less concerned with answering questions like the origin of life, and more concerned with the goal of saving oneself and other beings from suffering by attaining Nirvana (Enlightenment). However, the Kalachakra  Tantra, a scripture of Tibetan Buddhism, deals with the formation and functioning of reality. Modern day Buddhists such as the Dalai Lama don't perceive a conflict between Buddhism and science and consider they are complementary means of understanding the world around us.

Hindus believe that the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction has no beginning, Anadi. Another reason for this could also be the Hindu concept of cyclic time, such as yugas, or days of Brahma. A Day of Brahma lasts 4.32 billion years and the night of Brahma also lasts for 4.32 billion years. Days and nights follow in cycles (unlike the concept of linear time in many other religions). In fact, time is represented as Kālá Chakra, the wheel of time.

That would be similar in a way to the count of time in the Religious Books.

While  there were several different creation myths in Egypt Mythology, they all shared common elements: an infinite, lifeless ocean which preceded the creation, and a pyramidal mound of land which was the first thing to emerge from this ocean.

To some degree these myths represent competing theologies, but they can also be seen as representing different aspects of the process of creation. The convergence of the Ogdoad represented the transformation of the lifeless primordial chaos into the orderly, life-bearing world; the Ennead myth demonstrated how the world's original, embryonic form (Atum) evolved into the multiplicity of elements it later contained. Amun was the ultimate cause of creation, who first developed a concept of what the world would be like, and Ptah was the power of creative speech, by which that initial vision was made reality, and which caused the growth of Atum.

The Qur'an states that God created the world and the cosmos in six days process, made all the creatures that walk, swim, crawl, and fly on the face of the earth from water.
Made the angels, and the sun, moon and the stars to dwell in the universe.
Poured down the rain in torrents, and broke up the soil to bring forth corn, grapes and other vegetation; olive and palm, fruit trees and grass.
Molded clay, earth, sand and water into a model of a man and breathed life and power into it, and it immediately sprang to life. And this first man was called Adam. God took Adam to live in Paradise. God taught Adam the names of all the creatures, and then commanded all the angels to bow down before Adam.

In the Judeo-Christian traditions, God creates the different features of the world over a series of six days. The separates the waters, sky and dry land, and fills the earth with vegetation.
Then puts lights in the sky to separate day from night to mark the seasons.
On the fifth day, God creates sea creatures and birds of every kind and commands them to multiply their numbers.
On the sixth day, God's creates land creatures of every kind. Man and woman are created last, after the entire world is prepared for them; they are created in the "image" of God,

So, where they differ?
They only differ in data.
They all do not have timing.

Science do not have as well... only guesses.


May be we have to look at this from a different angle.
Why this whole creation happened in the first place?
Did it happen at one point of time or different points of time.
Did it happen to one world (ours) or multiple worlds that we do not know?
Is there any Inter-Relation with other worlds/dimensions?

Let us seek answers.

Sami Cherkaoui

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