
Monday, June 7, 2010

The Evil Politics

Back to Middle East stories..

The Middle East was and still is the historical origin of major religions.
Throughout its history the Middle East has been a major center of world affairs; a strategically, economically, politically, culturally, and religiously sensitive area.

The earliest civilizations, Mesopotamia  and ancient Egypt, originated in the Fertile Crescent and Nile Valley regions of the ancient Near East, as well as the civilizations of the Levant, Persia, and Arabian Peninsula.

The Arab Caliphates of the Middle Ages, or Islamic Golden Age, that would first unify the entire Middle East as a distinct region and create the dominant ethnic identity that persists today.

The Turkic Seljuk, Ottoman and Safavid empires would later dominate the region.

The Seljuk and later Ottoman Empires  were medieval  Sunni Muslim empires, that  controlled vast areas stretching from the Hindu Kush to eastern Anatolia and from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf. Later the Ottoman expansion reached West Mediterranean, north and East Europe.

The Safavids ruled the greatest Iranian Empire since the Islamic conquest of Persia and established the school of Shi'a Islam as the official religion of their empire, marking one of the most important turning points in the history of Islam.

Despite their demise in 1736, the Safavids have left their mark down to the present era by establishing and spreading Shi'a Islam in major parts of the Caucasus and West Asia, especially in Iran.

Most of Arab countries were once occupied by the Turks, and Ottoman rules were established in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon Etc..

After a flotilla filled with international activists that sailed from Turkey to Gaza was attacked by Israeli navy, we notice kind of mean attempts in some Media, trying to revive the struggle between Turkey and Iran....Ethnically.

Today, we read in the news that Turkish condemnation of the Flotilla attack was swift. Iran's was slow in coming.

Intelligence Analysts are hinting that Iran is not happy at being upstaged by Turkey.

They say that Iran has spent the past several years trying to claim this mantle of being the true defender of the Palestinians while exposing the hypocrisies of the major Arab powers.

It is not a secret that the Sunni-Shia conflict has seen a major uptick, particularly in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

We already see seeds of fatal struggles between Sunni and Shias' religious groups, in different parts of the region.

Many explain the bloodshed as the work of conspiracies by outsiders.
Others blame the fundamentalists from both sides.

In between, there are the political maneuvers of some leaders to achieve certain benefits.

In Lebanon, effortless try-outs to ignite fights between the two Muslim sects, to start a bloody civil war based on this ethnocentrism.

So is there any one cooking a new catastrophic scenario in the Region ?

Before, we try to answer this question, we should remember what happened last March when Mr. Erdogan was in Saudi Arabia, he declared that Israel agreed  to let Turkey continue mediating peace talks with Syria.
Israel denied what Erdogan declared and instead offered that Turkey to strengthen its relations with Israel and promote regional stability and peace.

After the Turks repeated condemnations of Israel's offensive over Gaza which left about 1400 Palestians dead and thousands wounded and homeless and a devastated land, Israel declared that Turkey was no longer a suitable mediator for its talks with Syria.

Brazil and Turkey closed a deal with Iran over its disputed nuclear programme last month, that clearly undermined the Western politics, and challenged the upcoming resolution of the Scurity Council which is likely to adopt further sanctions on Iran.

This deal not only challenged the unbridled political power exercised by the five big powers but also jeopardised U.S. plans for a unanimous resolution imposing sanctions against Tehran.

This might explain why Russia and China changed their tone

As a result, the 15-member Security Council now remains split, with at least two countries - and possibly more - lined up against a U.S.-inspired resolution against Iran.

Of course all this will boost up if Iran and Turkey fall in the trap.
The whole region will see endless streams of blood shed.

And they will all forget Israel... Gaza and occupied Palestine.

No more Freedom Flotillas.
More Weapons to countries in the region to keep engaged in ethnic fightings.
Iran will be so busy in this war, and will forget about its nuclear program ...
Turkey will find more internal troubles and disturbances.
Rich Arab countries will pour money to find safety.
Israel will wash its hands from any peace arrangements with the Palestinians.
USA and the super powers will interfere again and as usual, to find solutions between friends, enemies and allies.

And these solutions must be in favour of everybody except the victims.

Who can say this is not Evil Politics?
Sami Cherkaoui

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