
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nuclear Iran: Israel No, USA Ok!

Why USA okay-ed the start of Iran nuclear program, and Israel started screaming, when the first nuclear reactor was fueled yesterday?

How it is not acceptable for Iran (as Israel is claiming) to violate international treaties, at a time Israel is violating most of them and not recognizing the rest?
Israel Nuclear Plant

What is behind the Russian insistence that Iran's nuclear power plant is strictly a peaceful nuclear energy program and USA says OK .. it seems it is?

Who is behind the green light to Iran, to complete the Bushehr nuclear power plant, and to announce that because the need to energy is, it wants to produce the required fuel itself, and makes it clear that it needs the uranium to supply future power reactors.

The west and Israel are claiming that the enrichment of uranium can be a path to a nuclear bomb, which Iran could potentially go the plutonium route with its Bushehr reactor.

Moscow pledged to prevent the spent of nuclear fuel at Bushehr site from being shifted to possible weapons program.

USA announcements about Iran progress "underscores that Iran does not need its own enrichment capability if its intentions, as it states, are for a peaceful nuclear program", raised deeper international concerns.

"If the Iranians are sincere in a peaceful program, their needs can be met without undertaking its own enrichment program, which call into question its motives," White House Spokesman Gibbs said

This statement is really a puzzle.

But we can see a clue, when the Russians say that they believe the Bushehr project is essential for persuading Iran to cooperate with international efforts to ensure it does not need to develop the nuclear bomb!

As the Iranian president reiterated that Tehran was ready to resume negotiations with the six major powers in an attempt to curb Iran's enrichment work. He however, rejected calls to completely halt uranium enrichment.

And as Israel was getting ready last week to attack Bushehr plant, before nuclear fuel was loaded, the New York Times reported that the White House persuaded the Israelis not to attack now, because a nuclear weapon, should Iran pursue it, is at least one year from being developed.

As if Israel does not know this fact, but this actually reflects that USA is officially no longer objecting the plant.

But this is not the only reason why Israel halted its attack plans on Bushehr. There was another reason.

Iran unveiled today a prototype long-range unmanned bomber, the latest in a stream of announcements of new Iranian-made military hardware.

President Ahmadinejad, inaugurated the country first domestically built unmanned bomber aircraft calling it an "Ambassador of Death" to Iran's enemies.

This bomber will have a range of 620 miles, which is not far to reach Israel.

But Ahmadinejad also said that the jet " as well being an ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, has a main message of peace and friendship".

But the main goal he added is " to keep the enemy paralyzed in its bases".

Equality of powers.

Between the insistence of Iran and the hesitance of Israel, there is a fine line that is joining USA and Russia to keep working to prevent any instability in the Middle East region and may be the world.

The facts are:

Israel is retreating from its leading of military advance in the Middle East,

USA is living a confusing state from the damaging impacts (To USA) that resulted from the Gulf War and occupation of Iraq ...... and 

Iran is proceeding firmly to be a powerful world player, not only in the Middle East Region, but also in other parts of the world; considering its new military technology might reach countries like, Cuba, Venezuela, and parts of Europe and Africa.

Sami Cherkaoui

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