
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vatican Says No One Burns The Koran.

On September 11, a US Pastor, a member of The Dove World Outreach Center of a Florida Church, together with his group of 50 people, are planning to host an "International Burn a Quran Day"!

The Pastor wrote a book titled "Islam is of the Devil", and the church sells coffee mugs and shirts featuring the phrase!

He also claims a New Testament in Christianity and reads the Bible differently than the Christians.

I do not know, who this pastor is, but sure he seems either a sick person, or he is a person seeking some sort of publicity to draw attention.

I do not know what is the point in burning a Holy Book?

What he would feel if a fool like him from another side burns a Holy Book?

I will not say his Holy Book, because I believe he does not believe in any.

Burning copies of Holy Books, whether Koran or any Holy book, will only sparkle hatred and counter hatred, and certainly will not make any progress of any cause if ever there is a cause.

Perhaps this Pastor is seriously intending to bring such publicity, and seriously is intending to bring such hatred and counter hatred between religions, and that is why  General David Petraeus, commander of US troops in Afghanistan and with him the White House raised concerns about the Church's plan to burn copies of the Koran, warning that it could put US troops at risk.

Well, I have to admit that the General and the White House comments, are really disappointing. Because all their concerns are not to endanger the American troops?

I think their concerns should be really about how this disturbing action will deepen the holes, which already exist between the people of the two religions; Muslims and Christians.

I think their concerns should be really about how Muslims and Christians can live together in countries over the world, if such horrible actions are being carried out.

This pastor knows for real that burning copies of the Koran, (If eventually happened) will not achieve anything, except putting Christianity in an awkward and unpleasant situation. Exactly as the 11 September attacks put Islam in an awkward and unpleasant situation.

Perhaps the best said on this issue was by the UN secretary-general Ban Ki-mon, who said that plans like this by a small US church to burn copies of the Islamic holy book are deeply disturbing and such a gesture can not be tolerated by a religion.

Muslim countries are patiently waiting the US government to take a firm action against this fool and stop him from doing an ugly act that can reflect badly on America as a country, and on Christianity.

Burning copies of Koran, will not harm the Islamic religion, except in the sense that this action irritates the Muslims who are already feeling a double standard treatment from the Western world against them.

The Grandfather of Prophet Mohamed, once said when an army came to invade Makkah and destroy Kaabah: I own my cattle and I protect them; and God owns Kaabah and God Protects it.

The Holy Koran is a Holy Book preserved by God; and Muslims believe that God will certainly protect it.

If this fool really burns copies of the Koran (which I doubt), then I believe he and all his team; will get the punishment they deserve; not from any Muslim but from God.

This fool either does not know what he is up to which is bad; or he knows and this is worse.

However, he should know that Muslims can not do the same in retaliation and burn a Holy Book, because they believe in The Bible and the Torah as they believe in the Koran. And they Believe in Jesus and Moses as they believe in Mohamed.

Take out that outraged hatred from your hearts; all of you Muslims, Christians and Jews, because you are from one father and belong to one same God.

Do not let such ediots influence your minds and manipulate your souls.

Such ediots are in fact not ediots; because they know what they are doing; they are descendants of Caen and slaves of Satan.

The announcement of the Florida church, has elicited comparisons of the church's actions with those of Nazi Germany, which engaged in burnings of books written by Jews, communists and others who did not conform to Nazi ideology, as well as the European Middle Ages/Renaissance-era Roman Catholic Church, which participated in the Inquisition against persons and works which did not conform with the church's teachings.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton  said, "It's regrettable that a pastor in Gainesville, Florida with a church of no more than fifty people can make this outrageous and distressful, disgraceful plan and get, you know, the world's attention." She also said, "It doesn't in any way represent America or Americans or American government or American religious or political leadership," and she emphasized the hope of the U.S. Government that the church would not go through with their plans.

Well nice words.... But short in actions... Actually no actions!

The City Fire Department refused to grant the church a burning permit.
The bank where the church has a mortgage loan, has demanded immediate repayment of the balance and the pastor has also his property insurance cancelled.

But still no real action; to make him stop this nonsense.

Shortly after the event was announced the National Association of Evangelicals recommended that the event be canceled.

The German Evangelical Alliance which Terry Jones had led until 2008 formally dissociated itself from the proposed Qur'an burning.

The head of Iran's Islamic Culture and Relations Organization labeled the Qur'an burning proposal a "Zionist" insult.

A barrage of high-level international leaders independently weighed in, condemning the book burning event, urging that Pastor Jones and the Gainesville, Florida church group step down from their plans.

Canadian Defence Minister said that the very idea of such demonstration is insulting to Muslims and Canadians of all faiths. He called on that pastor of the Florida church to bring people together and not break them apart.

The Vatican's Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue also issued a statement saying that the book burning would be "an outrageous and grave gesture," with a headline in L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, reading "No one burns the Koran."

Germany's chancellor Angela Merkel also denounced the Qur'an-burning at an awards ceremony honoring controversial Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard to defend freedom of speech. While speaking in defense of Westergaard who in 2005 angered Muslims worldwide with his satirical Muhammad cartoon she said of the planned Florida event that "it is plainly disrespectful – even abhorrent. It's simply wrong."

So why this pastor is still insisting?

I believe for no reason.... It is just a Satanic performance and it will end and disappear as dust in the air..

Sami Cherkaoui

1 comment:

  1. We see all these desagreements and he see agreement from the devil and his 50 ppl, so how this can be approved? It won’t be a win plan for him, if he really trying to win something out of he trying to gather more people to this? Im sure no one will agree from all different religion...what is he thinking?
    In this century we living, we accept all religion and we respect everyone else religion we see (Muslim get married to christians, vise versa) we see Christians friends inviting Muslim friends to if tar in ramadan, vise versa) and many more example of how this life force us to accept each other religion, maybe by not talking about it between each other, but basically follow the verse from quran"You have your religion, and I have my religion".
    I don’t want to sound naïve, im aware of some people who have hate for other religions too, but those maybe are little just like the number of this cursed group. Have hate fine, your choice..Showing it by action? its just pathetic ,and show how devilish is his religion he stand for.
    No one will protect the Quran like God.
    But I would also like to mention that those devilish actions burning, and cursing and cartooning Muslims should not be published by whoever is against it, cause this is the target of the devil(specially we have the fastest marketing on internet now)..From my side I see that whenever I receive a mail or message or news disrespecting my religion wouldn’t forward it, because I know I have no power to stop it, but I’ll be publishing it with them...
    I hope we won’t see that day coming.
