
Monday, December 27, 2010

The coming New Year is a better year and this is why.

Predictions based on analytical studies of actual facts.

In the year 2011
Oil price will hit new levels over $100, however inflation will ease up.
Gold Price will decline, and USA dollar will shape up.
Start of Global recovery , and the world will snap back from the worst downturn since the Great Depression

Political reforms in many African countries will start as result of Elections and Presidential contests.

Topographic map of Korean Peninsula.Ddiplomatic efforts will succeed in normalizing the high tension on the Korean peninsula.

A new deal between Russia and NATO including USA will be a strategic key to joint international actions against weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, drugs, sea piracy and other regional and global challenges.

China will start major radical political, economic and leadership changes.

India will start a step to liberalize the retail sector and allows some international chains to open across the country.

Political conflict will come to an end in Thailand and the general elections will pass calmly and its results will be compromising to political parties.

Foreign troops in Afghanistan will start to pull out of the country and Turkey will help President Karzai to reach a political deal with Taliban

The parties in Sudan with help from the international community will start a realistic dialogue to deal with post-referendum aspects, and lay down arms after realizing they cannot achieve results through fighting.

The flag of the Lebanese Republic.
A new political chapter in Lebanon will open after the international tribunal is released about Hariri assassination. The parties in dispute will reach a historic agreement under a regional umbrella from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran and Syria. Israel will pull out from All Lebanese occupied lands and Hezbollah will agree on a transition plan scenario with the Lebanese Army.

AL Qaeda activities in Iraq will diminish and most of its members will put down their weapons.

More countries to recognize a Palestinian State and a major peace agreement will be reached between  Palestinian parties under the umbrella of Egypt, Syria, Iran, Turkey and with USA blessings.

A major breakthrough in the relationship between Iran and USA will happen based on a new understanding of Iran nuclear policy. This new phase between America and Iran will stabilize the Middle East region and limit aggression activities.

Happy New Year

Sami Cherkaoui

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas. A Season of Hopes

Virgin Mary and young Jesus, fresco from Rila ...
It all began when the angel came to Virgin Mary and told her that he has orders from God to make her conceive a son to be named Jesus the Messiah.

Mary delivered her child in a miraculous and magical moment.
This moment is still alive till our days.
I believe it will still be alive forever.

At that moment the Angel told Mary that "nothing is impossible with God".

That Child was born amid a crisis that was eating the whole world financially, economically, socially and politically.
They called him The Savior and put all hopes in him.

Nothing is different today; same troubles, same crisis probably on wider scales.
Again, today it is all about hopes.
It is always about hopes.
Because nothing is impossible with God.

Nothing is impossible with God.
Those words are still living with us, and they are highlighted in our hearts and souls more when Christmas season starts.

Every Christmas season we try to revive the miracle and the magic of that moment, the moment when Jesus Christ was born and hopes flourished.
A Christmas tree inside a home.
When we celebrate Christmas; decorate houses and streets, put gifts under Christmas Trees, have Christmas Family Dinner, we do all these hoping for the good to come back.

Because I believe Good has left us a long time ago and never came back.
Good left us to our devilish selves.
We took matters in our own hands.
And every thing went bad.
Very Bad.

We created unnecessary wars, we killed innocent people for selfish reasons, we discriminated, we intimidated, we stole, we lied, we deceived, committed every single sin in the books and created more sins to sin them.

Famine is not limited to Africa and spreading across the plant, and almost 90 per cent of the world population are suffering from food shortages.

Natural disasters have reached higher levels than any other time in history, except for the Sea Partition and Noah flooding.

Corrupted and crazy rulers are dominating and grasping most countries, putting this world at great jeopardy. Like in ancient days, history is repeating itself!

Christmas comes every year to renew faith, rise hopes and remind those rulers that Jesus Christ came in the first place to destroy rulers like them (mad and ruthless) if they do not come back to their senses.

Remind them of the gift-giving and the gifts they must give this world; peace and security.

Remind them that they have to find a way for desperate parents enabling them cheer their children with gifts that they can afford to buy.
Vintage Old World Santa Claus Stationary
Remind them to open all roads, ports, airports and make it easy for Santa to reach every house and put a gift to all its family members.

Santa is unable to bring his gifts.
He is missing the children and the children are missing him.

Remind them to abandon the ship of greed and false power and restart the ship of goodwill and justice.

Remind them to think for a moment about that moment when Jesus was born from a pure womb, to light the darkness of the whole world.

Remind them about rulers like them, played their roles in history to bring the present we are experiencing now.
So they can imagine what future they are building!

Also remind us not to give up hope.

Because Christmas Season is a season of miracles and magic, we hope more in this season that all our hopes are answered by God.

Because nothing is impossible with God.
Sami Cherkaoui
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Who are the victims of Wikieaks revelations?

And who are the "Accused"?

Well, in a quick answer, we are the victims.

We. The common people. The normal ones who work every day to feed our children and secure for them proper homes, schooling and safe futures.

All the others including Wikileaks and similar hackers are the criminals, and I will tell you why.
Normal people who are working their necks out to make a suitable living, can not achieve what they want in a feasible way.

It really breaks hearts to see the real world around full of  poverty, drugs, violence, wars and hatred.
Every human being needs a range of basic necessities; food, water, clothing, shelter, education, and health care. More than 70% of the world lack basic economic conditions of these essentials to meet minimum needs of a human life.

It is disturbing to know that in some countries more than one person in five, lives on less than $1 a day, and over 1 billion people live in extreme poverty and nearly half the world’s population live on less than $2 a day.

In developed countries, poverty results in wandering homeless people, poor suburbs and ghettos.

When we think about the causes of poverty we immediately think of lack of education, war, natural disasters, political corruption, and mental illness of the world leaders.

I will not talk here about lack of education and natural disasters, because they are not the issue now. May be I find a way to tackle them in later blogs.
Although I do have the feeling that natural disasters are sometimes consequences of political corruption and mental illness of world leaders.
Detail from Corrupt Legislation. Mural by Elih...
Political corruption
First, I do not believe that all the international development initiatives and the many international organizations working in the humanitarian fields are helping much to eradicate poverty.
To the contrary I think that most governments and organizations help in enhancing poverty worldwide for many reasons.
This comes under political corruption.
Poor people who are unable to have equal health care treatment like the rich, comes under political corruption.
Poor students who can not complete their educations without financial obstacles, talented poets and writers who can not publish their works without financial difficulties, brilliant businessmen who can not get finances to their projects without exploitation and high risk interests, are all consequences of political corruption.
Gifted artists who do not have their chances without discrimination, are consequences of political corruption.
In turn we see so much money spent on espionage!
Wars, conspiracies, economic disasters, financial crisis, high bank interest rates, money deflation and inflation are all part of political corruption.Overview of the Corruption Perceptions Index (...

Religious, race and ethnic discrimination are all results of political corruption.
Media in general is an integrated part of political corruption.

If all religions on earth proclaim peace, love and equality, then who on earth changed all this?
The Bible is based on Peace and love “ Peace be with you”.
The Qur'an originated the word Islam from Peace, and declared that a true belief in God is to love for your fellow men what you love for himself.
The Ten Commandments basically are all about Love, Peace and Equality.
Buddha kept talking about Peace and Love and once said that in the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.

This is absolutely true, it is people who create this agony and enslave themselves within it.

Mental illness of our political leaders.

It is a simple fact that only fools want to run a world of such vast and devastating political corruptions.
But this is not all.
Our leaders are really complex-ed.
What sick persons spend most of their times spying on other persons?
For what?
If you take a quick glance on the Wikileaks releases, you can understand what I mean.
What can you say about people whose behaviors and attitudes are described in the leaks?
Karzai of Afghanistan: a paranoid, ignorant and weak person.
Nouri Al Malki of Iraq: Murderer
Kevin Rudd of Australia: A freak
Hillary Clinton: A Sick mind.
Hu Jintao of China: Deceiving individual.
Chancellor Merkel: Hesitant.
Ahmadinejad of Iran: Crazy and unpredictable.
Berlusconi of Italy: incompetent and ineffectual
Kim Jong of North Korea: Old fool
Gaddafi of Libya: lusty
Pakistan Leaders: Double faces
Medvedev and Putin of Russia: Batman and Robin
Rajapaksa of Sri Lanka: War Lord
Gordon Brown of UK: A failure
Sarkozy France: The naked Emperor

Let us look further, and see how can we describe the following leaders:

George W. Bush
George W. Bush: A disastrous joker?

Bush Administration: Disastrous outcome?
Barak Obama: First black president, Ok now what?
Obama Administration: Falling Posts?
European Union: Trickery?
PM Cameron: Slow and hollow?
Harper of Canada: Miscalculated Risks?
PM Erdogan of Turkey: Dreaming the Empire?
Netneyahu of Israel: Hitman?
President Bashir of Sudan: Leading to a ruthless civil war?
President Mubarak of Egypt: President or King of Egypt?
Abdallah Saleh of Yemen: What is he really doing?
Asad of Syria: Walking on the ropes?
Sulaiman of Lebanon: President without presidency?
King Abdullah of Jordan: To be or not to be?
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia: A lost wisdom?
Zine Al Abidine of Tunis: Family Business?
King Mohamed of Morocco: Influence of history and culture?
Leaders of the African countries: Bad Businessmen?

In fact, leaders come and then bring with them a management team, they call it administration team.
This management team takes over the administrations and start by canceling all what the previous teams already made.
(Management teams in some "Republics" have been managing over 30 years).
Then they manage to control the wealth of the country, and oppress the people.
Rules and Acts issued to make it more difficult on people to practically live with minimum needs.
Then they manage to defy or ally with other countries, depending on the management interest.
This interest can be a belief or religion or ideology or just for the fun of it.
Eventually different kinds of wars erupted; traditional and non traditional.
Even psychological wars.
A montage of the Gaza War.
Then so many victims from the people.
So many collateral damages from the people.

Why Wikileaks leaks only in a certain time and for certain media?
If they can know at any time these secrets, why they wait so long to reveal them?
Perhaps if they have revealed them in time, things might have changed and less damages are made

In brief.
We are living in a crazy world managed by crazy people.

Sami Cheraoui
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Diamonds in the sky! Go get them girls.

WASP-12b  is plant outside our Solar System fully covered with pure diamonds.
Astronomers are saying that the diamonds cover the surface of this planet exactly like how sand, rocks and mountains cover the surface of our Earth.solar_system

A team of astronomers discovered recently a planet located outside our Solar System, slightly larger than Jupiter and orbits its star in about one day when Earth takes 365 days to orbit the Sun.
Astronomers are saying that the immense existence of diamonds and graphite on that planet is controlling its geographical nature and climate.
Clio Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Astronomers at Princeton University, said that the concentrated carbon on the planet is likely to have been transformed to pure diamonds. "You might see land masses and mountains made up of diamonds,"  said the lead researcher Dr Nikku Madhusudhan.

Obviously it is not easy to reach those diamonds, because the planet is almost 1200 light years far from Earth.

Also it is extremely hot where the temperature there is more than 2000 degrees centigrade.

This new planet, Wasp 12b, is the first to have more carbon than oxygen. It is a so-called gas giant, like Jupiter, and is mostly made from hydrogen gas.
Planet WASP-12 b
But the planet's core could be composed of some form of diamond, graphite and other carbon compounds, possibly in liquid form.

But it seems there is hope as scientists are talking now about possibilities that life can exist on such planets out there can. They say this life if exists must be able to sustain low oxygen, low water and lots of methane and other hydrocarbons.

The atmosphere that is heavy with carbon could preserve heat and light, which provide energy for life.
Life in turn would adapt to survive on little oxygen and water.
Life also has to learn how to accept good lots of methane.

"It's exciting to even think about the possibility" of what carbon-rich planets could look like, says Adam Showman, a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona, who explains that although researchers knew that other solar systems should have a range of carbon-to-oxygen values, "this paper finally moves the discussion from pure speculation to plausible reality." He notes that exoplanets with carbon-based interiors could exhibit a range of surface features, atmospheric compositions and potential for oceans or life.
It wouldn't be the first diamond discovered in space. In 2004, researchers identified a former white dwarf star that has compressed and hardened into a giant diamond 25,000 miles across — or 10 billion trillion trillion carats. They named it Lucy, as in "Lucy In the Sky with Diamonds," the famous Beatles song.

So girls get ready.
One day you will reach there to get all these diamonds.

Sami Cherkaoui

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Europa - A Revived Phoenician Myth To Repeat History

The Phoenician Land corresponds in the present day to Lebanon and the coastal line of Syria and Palestine.

The Land was invaded by many conquerors such as the Hyksos, the Egyptians, the Hittites, and others, eventually the Egyptians lost it to invaders from Asia and Europe.

The Assyrian Empire its control over the Levant, and many Phoenician cities lost their autonomy and became part of Assyrian provinces.

During the Wars between Greece and Persia, the Phoenicians played an important role helping the Persians with their Maritime Expertise, provided they do not bother them at their homeland.

The Land came under Alexander the Great, after he conquered the Persian King Darius, and a new political and social order raised.

When the Romans invaded the Levant, they just expanded all over East and West and formed and Empire which was basically a Western Empire which formed the first roots of Europe as a continent with many countries, having long hands that covered most parts of the Orient.

With the last West Roman emperor removed in 476, Southeastern Europe and some parts of the Mediterranean remained under the Eastern Roman Empire

Historically Europe was defined as between the Pillars of Hercules at the Strait of Gibraltar, separating it from Africa, and the Don, separating it from Asia

Europe is now generally defined by geographers as the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, with its boundaries marked by large bodies of water to the north, west and south; Europe's limits to the far east are usually taken to be the Urals, the Ural River, and the Caspian Sea; to the south-east, the Caucasus Mountains, the Black Sea and the waterways connecting the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.

During the Dark Ages, the Western Roman Empire fell under the control of various tribes. The Germanic and Slav tribes established their domains over Western and Eastern Europe respectively. Eventually the Frankish tribes were united under Clovis I. Charlemagne, a Frankish king of the Carolingian dynasty who had conquered most of Western Europe, was anointed "Holy Roman Emperor" by the Pope in 800. This led to the founding of the Holy Roman Empire, which eventually became centered in the German principalities of central Europe.

The predominantly Greek speaking Eastern Roman Empire became known in the west as the Byzantine Empire. Its capital was Constantinople. Emperor Justinian I presided over Constantinople's first golden age: he established a legal code, funded the construction of the Hagia Sophia and brought the Christian church under state control.

Fatally weakened by the sack of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade, the Byzantines fell in 1453 when they were conquered by the Ottoman Empire

For Homer, Europe was a mythological queen of Crete, not a geographical designation. Later, Europa stood for central-north Greece, and by 500 BC its meaning had been extended to the lands to the north.
In Greek Mythology, Europe the Continent was named after the Phoenician Princess Europa, who was abducted by Zeus who disguised as a bull, and attracted Europa to ride its back, then took her to Crete, where he laid her and she gave birth to three children. She became a goddess represented by the lunar cow.
Princess Europa was a sister to Cadmus, who taught the Alphabet to the Greeks,  and daughter of Agenor, and her outstanding beauty made Zeus be insanely in love with her.

Herodotus though had a different view, where it all began with Phoenician came with their trading ships to Argos, Ancient Greece.The King's daughter Io came down to buy some merchandise that the Phoenician brought with them,
She was persuaded to go on board to look for more items to buy, but the ship sailed away to Egypt.
Later some Greeks from Crete came to the Phoenician city Tyre and kidnapped the King's daughter Europa.
Herodotus recognized the story as relating to a political act of one culture on another. He thought that Cretans went to Phoenicia and captured a princess, perhaps in a bull-shaped vessel.
The myth may reveal the transfer of an important goddess cult from Phoenicia. Perhaps Aphrodite, who came from Phoenicia, is implicated.
The myth may mean that when Aphrodite came, she dominated the Minoan religion, just as Europa rides the bull.  Eventually the Minoan civilization was conquered by the Mycenaeans of the mainland.
The fact that Zeus rapes Europa implies that she does produce her effect on the Greek culture, as suggested by the fact that her sons become important components of Greek religion.

Herodotus puts Europa in a class with Ino and Helen. First Ino was a Greek princess stolen by Asians. Then Europa was an Asian princess stolen by Greeks and finally Helen was a Greek princess stolen by Asians. When the Greeks launched an army to regain Helen then the trading stopped.

The Persians considered the Greeks their enemies from the time of the destruction of Troy, and took the incident of the kidnapped prince Europe to retaliate from the Greeks, they later entered Europe.
There is no doubt that the Greeks took the myth from Syria to Cyprus to Crete to Greece.
And the story went on to the present days.   

The classical Greek alphabet, its order of letters, and their form, were borrowed from the Phoenician alphabet; alpha, beta, gamma, delta, are but Grecized sounds of the Phoenician language.
Cadmus, the legendary hero who came to Greece from Phoenicia and founded Thebes in Boeotia, is credited with the introduction of the Phoenician alphabet to the Greek language; in its Hellenized early form the alphabet is called Cadmeian. As Herodotus tells the story,

"The Phoenicians who came with Cadmus . . . introduced into Greece, after their settlement in the country, a number of accomplishments, of which the most important was writing, an art till then, I think, unknown to the Greeks. At first they used the same characters as all the other Phoenicians, but as time went on, and they changed their language, they also changed the shape of their letters. At that period most of the Greeks in the neighborhood were Ionians; they were taught these letters by the Phoenicians and adopted them, with a few alterations, for their own use, continuing to refer to them as the Phoenician characters—as was only right, as the Phoenicians had introduced them."

In early times Greek was also written from right to left, like Phoenician, Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic and Hebrew.

However, Cadmus, the founder of Thebes, preceded by several generations the Trojan War; on this the Greek tradition is unanimous. Tradition also has it that the Cadmeian alphabet originally consisted of sixteen letters and that four additional characters were introduced later, about the time of the Trojan War.
When his sister, Europa was carried away by Zeus in the form of a bull, he went to the oracle at Delphi to ask about her and was told she was happy and well, and he need not search for her any longer. Instead, he should stay in Greece and found a new kingdom, he was told. A white cow would lead him to a good site for a walled city.

When Cadmus left Delphi, he soon ran into a white cow. He followed her a long way, over hill and mountain, through valleys and across rivers. Finally, the cow lay down on a knoll in the middle of a large plain-the perfect spot for a walled city. Then Cadmus sent one of his men to get water from a nearby spring.
While he was gone, Cadmus sacrifice the cow to thank the gods. When the man he sent never returned, he sent two more men to see what had happened. They did not return either and he sent the rest of his men, a few at a time, after the others. Finally, he was left alone and went to see for himself what was keeping his men. When he reached the spring, he saw a dragon guarding the spring. At first, Cadmus was afraid it would eat him too, but the dragon was very sluggish and sleepy after eating so many men and Cadmus slew the dragon easily.
Now Cadmus had no men. He looked to the gods and since he had sacrificed the cow, Athena answered his plea. "Don't worry," said the goddess. "Just plow a field and sow the dragon's teeth in the furrows." Cadmus followed Athena's strange advice and as soon as the teeth were sown, fully grown warriors sprang up. They all ran at Cadmus and again he feared for his life, but again Athena stepped in. "Throw a rock among them!" she told Cadmus.
Again, Cadmus did as the goddess said, and at once the warriors fought each other fiercely, accusing their neighbor of being the thrower of the rock. In the end, only five remained living, and those were wounded badly. Cadmus nursed them back to health and they helped Cadmus establish the city of Thebes.

When the princess Europa disappeared from the coasts of Phoenicia on the back of a bull her father Agenor, son of King Belus of Egypt and Anchinoe, the daughter of the river god Nilus, sent his sons in search of her, telling them not to return until they had found their sister.
However, nothing was ever found resembling the lost princess, except for the name of the land called Europa, which is that part of the inhabited world lying north of the Peloponnesus and beyond, for she, after having being conveyed through the sea by Zeus the bull, was set down by him, quite dry, upon the shore by Mount Dicte in Crete.

Her brother Phoenix gave up the search for Europa and settled in some part of Phoenicia, which was called after him, and so did Cilix, who became king in Cilicia, which is the southeasternmost coastal region of Asia Minor, and so did Thasus, who also gave up the search and settled in the island off Thrace, in the northern section of the Aegean Sea, founding a city Thasos. Also other relatives, brothers or perhaps cousins, went away in search of Europa. Cepheus, son of Belus or of Phoenix and father of Andromeda, the wife of Perseus settled in Ethiopia; and Phineus.

Some have said that Cadmus was taught initiatory rites by Iasion when he, in search of her sister Europa came to Samothrace, the island in the northern Aegean sea, and they suppose that it was here that Cadmus married Harmonia.

Cadmus, with Athena's help, became king, receiving Harmonia, daughter of Ares & Aphrodite, as wife from Zeus. She received, as a wedding present, a couple of interesting items, known as the Robe & Necklace of Harmonia, which provoked, through the ambitions, betrayals and other nonsensical behaviours of many men and women, a number of murders, wars and other tragedies including the utter ruin of the city that Cadmus founded, and that of those who possessed them.

Cadmus was one of the greatest men of his time, and that is why his wedding was magnificent, many gods and goddesses attending, besides the parents of the bride. And in his wedding day, they say, Cadmus attained the highest honour and prosperity a mortal man can receive, for he, like later Achilles' father Peleus, was able to hear the Muses sing.

Cadmus and Harmonia received a number of gifts from the gods: a jewel-set throne from Hera, a lyre or perhaps a scepter from Hermes, a crown from Hephaestus, a spear from Ares, the Robe & Necklace from Athena or perhaps Aphrodite or Hephaestus or even Europa, and sacred rites of the mother of the gods (Rhea) along with cymbals and kettledrums from Electra the Pleiade, who is said to have nursed Harmonia.

Some have said that Zeus gave Harmonia to Cadmus in recompense for having helped him to restore the harmony of the world, destroyed by Typhon's attack on heaven. For Pan, following Zeus' instructions, gave Cadmus a flute and disguised him as a shepherd, and Zeus asked Cadmus to bewitch Typhon's wits with a delusive tune. So when Cadmus tuned up, Typhon, attracted by the deceitful notes of the syrinx, appeared and Cadmus, through a stratagem, convinced him to bring the sinews of Zeus which Typhon had in his power, thus leading him to his doom. And when Zeus recovered his power, they say, he also informed Cadmus of his sister's fate.

However, the land where Cadmus founded his city was not empty when he arrived, for there a couple of nations, the Hyanteans and the Aonians, occupied Boeotia. Before them, it is said, the Ectenes, ruled by King Ogygus, lived in Boeotia, until they were decimated by pestilence and perished. Ogygus had two daughters, Aulis and Alalcomenia, after whom the Boeotian cities are called, and some say that Eleusinus, after whom the city of Eleusis in Attica is called, was his son. But according to others Eleusinus is the son of Hermes and Daira.

Cadmus, with the help of his Phoenician army, defeated both Hyanteans and Aonians, expelling the former nation and assimilating the latter, and some say that he also defeated the Temmicans, who were early inhabitants of Boeotia as well.

Well, it seems the real Europa is eternally lost.
The Old Continent has become a land of mixed conflicts and hatred.
The West is suffering from the phobia that the East will rise again to control the lands.
Syria still having its wild dreams.
Persia is still looking to avenge the Marathon War, and insisting to use the Phoenicians.
The Phoenicians are not able to take care of their own house, trapped in the middle between many powers, involved in unprofitable trades and scattered all over.
Cadmus who taught the Alpha Bet failed to read his own books, and Egypt certainly forgot him.

In the end we have to ask Zeus to give back the Magic Flute to Cadmus to enable him restore again the harmony of the world, since the Typhon this time is never leaving Phoenicia.

Sami Cherkaoui

Saturday, November 6, 2010

World on grounds of broken glass!

To zoom in the worldwide picture, let us see what is going on in most of the countries around the world.
We start with the so called The Group of Eight or G8; France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Russia.

This group emerged following the 1973 oil crisis, to tackle the energy problem and to put immediate and future solutions to threatening worldwide problems that are pressing on issues such as; environment, foreign affairs, justice, interior amnesty, terrorism, international trade, health, law enforcement, labour, economic and social development, famine and other issues which are vital to make this world better.

Of course no one can know what are the actual decisions that are taken after each annual summit meeting, but it is obvious that those decisions are not helping the 8 countries and certainly not the world.
The number of hungry people all over is larger, interior amnesty is at greater risks, justice is bent, environment is widely endangered, health care is baffling, unemployment rate are jumping, terrorism is more organized and more dangerous, international trade routes are not safe....

Albeit those countries make about 15% of world population and about 60% of Gross World Product, the majority of global military power and own the most powerful nuclear weapons, all their plans and decisions are raising more complicated problems instead of solutions.

When they decided to expand this G8 to G20, (19 countries; South Africa, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, China, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Australia, plus the European Union) they thought that by compromising 85% of Global Gross National Products, about 80% of the world trade and 65% of the world population, they can have better solutions.

But again they were wrong and the problems instead of diminishing they spread out rather rapidly.
However, since 2008 (the birth year of the G20) and till now, the world is experiencing more confusions, which are getting to dominate the world and especially these 20 countries.
Therefore, the 65% of world population is in jeopardy of being more misfortunes, the 85% of global national products are in chaotic orders and the 80% of world trade is not in real harmony.

The confusions are results of various types of disputes, between these very countries, about who wants what and how. These confusions are now troubles and are speedily becoming national and international crisis.

So what is going on in these countries, which have put the whole world on grounds of broken glass?

USA having major political and economic crisis, and its domestic security is facing daily threats of terrorist attacks. Its army in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other parts of the world is a financial burden and its security is compromised nationally and internationally.

France is sinking in seas of endless strikes and civil violence.

UK has huge conflicts between the political parties. Its economic position is rapidly deteriorating and the disputes on its military powers and ambitions are tougher every day.
Germany is the land of contradictions, and facing severe political divisions. Its economy is degrading; more banks in illegal troubles, and its suspicious political roles leave a big question with respect to Europe security as whole.

Japan maintains political instability, and presently facing major threats from other countries within the same group; China is in constant attempts to return its dignity and Russia is claiming lands being Russian properties before.

Russia is the land mysteries.Its domestic and international politics are puzzles. Its troubles with other ex USSR countries are escalating and its economic burdens are overwhelming.

Canada and Australia are big houses under mortgage to her Majesty queen of Britain, with few inhabitants and many housekeepers who manage to keep the house not managed. Their social and economic systems are cracked. Immigrants are their daily bread. Their boys and girls in the army are victims of their narrow-minded international policy.

Italy is covered with corruption, and the country is unable to be European and Mediterranean at the same time. Economy is red, unemployment is high and there is no trace of the Roman Empire except its ironic end.

Brazil is floating on debts.
Saudi Arabia is very disturbed by inland terrorism and keeps paying uncle Sam to make solutions in the region especially in Yemen, Sudan and Iran without touching the Royal line.

Argentine and Mexico are basically bankrupt.
Turkey still a wild child. It seems it forgot its past and unable to decide its present and future identity. Its economy is zero. Its ideology is split and its military is divided because of its politics.

South Korea is the spoiled child in the region, however it is difficult to have fun when all neighbors are in serious playgrounds. Threats from the deprived brother are becoming major worries.

China can not stabilize its political and economic existence without fighting other powers in the group, even without using military powers. Its local currency is a victim of the powerful foreign currency reserves that the country keeps.

India is unable to feed its increasing population. Its security, economy and industry are not sound and its international policy is rather tricky.
Indonesia has its own tragic disasters to deal with.

South Africa has enough problems to deal with; extreme poverty, unemployment, black economy and of course the issues of its safety, internal amnesty and national security.

When the countries which proclaimed themselves world protectors are needed to be protected basically from their-selves; governments - then the existence of the whole world is in jeopardy of breaking in parts.
This is not a pessimistic view, but rather a factious.

It is better to expose and tackle the problems to find solutions.

The main problem might be in the policies of these government.

Their democracies are illusions, and their systems are ruthlessly deceiving.

They might see themselves the best of human kinds and they deserve to lead and dominate.
Regardless of what and how they think, the makers of those policies had been since ages neglecting the basic needs of people; Peace, Safety and Amnesty.

When those factors really exist then living can be easier and cheaper and food become available to every one.
Wars to create peace is a tremendous hoax, huge lie and miserable belief.
Wars in ancient days were used to secure food and shelter.
The strongest survived.

Today, food and shelter is hours between any distance on planet Earth.
They can be made available by a phone call and a sea or air shipment.
But still the strongest want to dominate even if left with nothing.
The poors just die.

How the world now is different from the days before the great wars?
Only one difference; more advanced weapons...
Sami Cherkaoui

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Who is Abu Rihan Al Bayrooni?

Before jumping to conclusions.. He is not a Terrorist.
Actually he is a Muslim polymath born in Khawarezm now Uzbekistan in the 11th century. He died and buried in Ghazni city - Afghanistan!

Afghanistan today is a center of national interest to the West.

Afghanistan yesterday was a safe haven to Osama Bin Laden and Taliban, who fought the Russians on behalf the Americans.

This is because before yesterday the Russians or the Soviets were occupying Afghanistan, whish was a center of national interest to them.

Before that the country was of national interest to the British Empire, the Persian Empire, the Mongols, the Macedonians etc..
Afghanistan was and still is considered an important Geo-strategic location, connecting Central Asia with East and West and an ancient focal point of trade routes and human migrations.

Al Bayrooni referred to Afghanistan as the land of various tribes living on the western frontier mountains of the Indus River, which would be Sulaiman Mountains.

But all those tribes, empires, armies, left without any actual trace, and I am sure the present armies occupying Afghanistan and the around lands, will also leave without leaving any actual trace.

One of the most important traces left in Afghanistan long before it was a country with borders, was the trace of Al Bayrooni’s mind, that brilliant scholar who is buried in that land, and minds of his friends, teachers and students. Polymath(s) and scholars of multiple scientific fields such as:

Al Khawarizmi – Father of Algebra and Logarithm.

Al Afghani – A pioneer of Astronomy (The crater Alfraganus on the Moon is named after him).

Al Farabi – Father of Social Psychology.

Al Razi - Father of Pediatrics and the first physician to distinguish smallpox and measles through his clinical characterization of the two diseases.

Ibn Sina – Father of modern medicine, Founder of Unani medicine and a pioneer of physiological psychology, neuro-psychiatry, thought experiment, self-awareness and self-consciousness, experimental medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, clinical pharmacology and aromatherapy.

Ibn Al Haytham – Father of Optics and pioneer of eye surgery, visual system and visual perception.

Al Zahrawi – Father of modern surgery and a pioneer of neurosurgery, craniotomy, hematology and dental surgery.

Al Jazari – Father of Robotics and modern Engineering.

Ibn Al Nafis – Father of circulatory physiology and Founder of Nafisian anatomy, physiology, pulsology and sphygmology.

Ibn Hayan – Father of Chemistry.

Al Kindi – Founder of Environmentalism and a pioneer of psycho and music therapy.

And many many others, who put the basic roots of our modern science in all its different fields.

So the legacy of these lands is the minds and genes of its brilliant sons and daughters.
Not in its Rich Lands or its Strategic Geography or the Silk Roads or the Link between Central Asia, East, West and South.

It is in genes and minds of the people there... Afghanistan and the "around countries"...including Iran, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, India up to China.

The real struggle is a struggle of minds....
But unfortunately the struggle of minds used and is still using different tools together with the military one.

The most vicious tool was and still is the tool of putting various ethnic and religious ideologies in negative confrontations.

But no army or conqueror or occupier was able to defeat Al Bayrooni , who is fighting them all from his grave.

His works are still the origins of many scientific discoveries and the best methods used in most scientific studies at modern worldwide universities.

Al Bayrooni is the Master of Physics, anthropology, comparative sociology, astronomy, astrology, chemistry, history, geography, mathematics, medicine, psychology, philosophy, and theology.
Actually the crater (Al Biruni) on the moon is named after him.
He was described as the founder of indology (indian studies) and the first anthropologist (social scientist).

He was also one of the first scholars to introduce the science of mineralogy, psychology and astronomy.
Al Bayrooni wrote a number of books on astrolabes, astrology, chronology, time and measurement, geography, mapping, history, pharmacology, meteorology, mathematics, geometry, trigonometry, mechanics, medicine, religion, philosophy, literary works, magic etc...

His book Kitab Al-Qanoon Al Masudi is an extensive encyclopaedia on astronomy, geography and engineering.
In this book he wrote about the function and uses of the astrolabe, the planisphere and the armillary sphere. He formulated astronomical tables and was the first to indicate that the Earth is round.
Al Bayrooni was also the first to notice the attraction of all things towards Earth.
He discovered the distance between Earth and Sun is larger than Ptolemy's estimate and introduced new techniques to measure the Earth and distances on it using triangulation.
Al Bayrooni found the radius of the Earth to be 6339.6 Km, a value not obtained in the West until the 16th century according to MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive.
He developed a sophisticated methodology for his anthropological studies; he was the first to distinguish between the historical method and the scientific method.

He realized that the Earth is constantly evolving, and described it as a living entity and had an age but its origin was too distant to measure.

Al Bayrooni was the first to apply experimental scientific methods to mechanics, especially the fields of statics and dynamics, particularly for determining specific weights, such as those based on the theory of balances and weighing.

His book The Remaining Signs of Past Centuries is a comparative study of calendars of different cultures and civilizations, interlaced with mathematical, astronomical, and historical information, exploring the customs and religions of different peoples.

As father of Indology, Al Bayrooni was the first to tackle the history of India without recording any political or military details... In his book Indica, he wrote more on India's cultural, scientific, social and religious history.

Al Bayrooni is described as one of the world's greatest scholars, where no history of mathematics, astronomy, geography, anthropology, religion etc... is complete without acknowledgment of his immense contribution.

He is considered as one of the outstanding minds of all times, distinguished to a remarkable degree by the essential qualities which have made possible both science and social studies.

Encyclopedias described him as "the demonstration of the universality and timelessness of a great mind".

It is said that "one could compile a long series of quotations from Al Bayrooni written more than a thousand years ago that anticipate supposedly modern intellectual attitudes and methods".

All invaders of Afghanistan and the around lands, were and are in genetic search for the minds of Al Bayrooni and the minds of his teachers, students, friends and their descendants...

No one and Nothing else.

However, the question remains....

Sami Cherkaoui
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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is 2012 Phenomena A Hoax Of False Prophecies?

And why?

Well, let us see...

It all started with the Mayan Calendar!
The Mayans based their long count calendar on a mythical date of creation which was 11 August 3114 BC.

They calculated that the completion of 13 b'ak'tuns (August 11, 3114 BCE) marks the Creation of the world of human beings according to the Maya.
On this day, Raised-up-Sky-Lord caused three stones to be set by associated gods at Lying-Down-Sky, First-Three-Stone-Place. Because the sky still lay on the primordial sea, it was black. The setting of the three stones centered the cosmos which allowed the sky to be raised, revealing the sun

The Baktum is equal to 144000 days or 394.3 solar years.

According to the Popol Vuh, a book compiling details of creation accounts known to the K'iche' Maya of the Colonial-era highlands, we are living in the fourth world.
The Popol Vuh  considered that God failed in making his first three creations and describes the fourth creation as successful fourth world where men were placed.
In the Maya Long Count, the previous creation ended at the start of a 14th b'ak'tun.

The previous creation ended on a long count of Another will occur on December 20, 2012, followed by the start of the fourteenth b'ak'tun,, on December 21, 2012.

Maya inscriptions occasionally reference future predicted events or commemorations that would occur on dates that lie beyond 2012 (that is, beyond the completion of the 13th b'ak'tun of the current era). Most of these are in the form of "distance dates" where some Long Count date is given, together with a Distance Number that is to be added to the Long Count date to arrive at this future date.

Arguments suggest that if the start of this calendar is based on an assumptive mythical date, the suggested end in December 21, 2012 might as well be mythical and purely presumptuous.
Whatever built on false is false..

Some scholars and authors such as Hapgood (The Path of The Pole), John Anthony West (Serpent in the sky), Hancock and Bauval (Keepers of Genesis) and others, provided evidence that, at the end of the last Ice Age, a race of people settled in Egypt following a catastrophe in which their own homeland disappeared (i.e. Atlantis).

Some say that Atlantis is  a legendary island described by Plato in his mythical Tmaeus and Critias monologues.

Then a lot of imaginative authors, poets, philosophers and movie makers follow to prove the real existence of Atlantis, and the result that we find it either in Northern Europe, or in the Atlantic Ocean or West Coast America Or Coast of South America or The Mediterranean Sea or North Coast of Africa etc.... etc...
The Sphinx and pyramids were remnants of those times, about 10,500 years ago, and encoded into them was information about the catastrophe. West and Hancock and Bauval all thought that there was a Hall of Records buried at Giza, which would contain detailed records of the Atlantean civilization and the catastrophe that ended it.
Patrick Geryl, author of The Orion Prophecy, got an intuitive feeling that the answer was in the Zodiacs of Dendera Temple in Egypt, - that the rectangular zodiac in particular, contains coded information about the catastrophe that ended Atlantis, and how to calculate when the cycle would recur.
Geryl read a rare translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, by the Frenchman Albert Slosman, which implies that the Earth has previously undergone some kind of pole-shift which caused the "sun to rise at a new horizon", and also gives "an intermediate note" that this event - the Great Cataclysm - happened on July 27th in the year 9792 BC.
Gino Ratinckx checked to see if there was any astronomical pattern on 27th July 9792 BC that repeated on 21-22 December 2012 AD. He claims to have found "the positions of Orion and Aldebaran match both data precisely".

Gino also says that the configuration "occurs three times in twelve thousand years! The other date is 3114 BC."

This latter year is the year in which the Mayan long count started. Later in the book, when checked with astronomical software, only 2 matches were found to be correct- 9792 BC and 2012 AD.

Geryl claims that in a computer simulation Venus in 2012 will make an exact circle-shaped movement above the most important and highest stars of Orion, and that is why he is most convinced that 2012 is the date of the next cataclysm. Because if this happened then he believes that Venus will pass before the Sun, which is a Spectacular Code... He believes this will happen on 6 June, 2012 and will be in the middle of the Sun at exactly 1:30 that day.
Geryl concluded that Venus will stand in the Middle above Orion while it passes before the middle of the Sun... Hence the connection from Venus, Orion and the Sun. And for this reason scientists took this "code" as a warning for End Times...

Of-course there are big debates about the accuracy of a computer simulation, especially when it appears that there are different computer software(s), each is giving different configurations.

Not to mention that the alleged Hall of Records in the Egyptian Hawara Labyrinth, which would contain detailed records of the Atlantean civilization and the catastrophe that ended it, was never found, although the Labyrinth itself had been located....

End of Times or End of Days according to the main three religions has specific signs that will precede the incidence...

In the Islamic belief the Quran tells certain signs such as:

The Hour has drawn nigh, and the moon is rent asunder -54:1

And he (Jesus) is an indication (sign ) of the Hour (End of days), so be not in doubt of this and follow ME, this is the straight Pass. - 43:61

And there is none among the People of the Book but will continue to believe in it before his death; and on the Day of Resurrection, he (Jesus) shall be a witness against them. - 4:159

Then if the Horn is blown with one blast - And the Earth and the mountains are lifted and leveled with one smash - Then on that Day, The Occurrence is occurred - And the Sky is split and that day it is infirm. - 69:13-16

According to Jewish tradition, the Messianic Era will be one of global peace and harmony, an era free of strife and hardship, and one conducive to the further-ment of the knowledge of the Creator. The theme of the Messiah ushering in an era of global peace is encapsulated in one of the most famous scriptural passages from the book of Isaiah:

"They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation will not lift sword against nation and they will no longer study warfare (Isaiah 2:4)."

In his Mishneh Torah, Maimonides describes the Messianic Era:

"And at that time there will be no hunger or war, no jealousy or rivalry. For the good will be plentiful, and all delicacies available as dust.

The entire occupation of the world will be only to know God... the people of Israel will be of great wisdom; they will perceive the esoteric truths and comprehend their Creator's wisdom as is the capacity of man. As it is written (Isaiah 11:9): "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the sea."

Of-course there are no sign of any of this in the foreseen future....

The "Little Apocalypse" in the Synoptic Gospels of Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 is known as the Olivet prophecy, because it includes Jesus' descriptions of the end times, the use of apocalyptic language, and Jesus' warning to his followers that they will suffer tribulation and persecution before the ultimate triumph of the Kingdom of God.
After Jesus described the "abomination that causes desolation", he warns that the people of Judea should flee to the mountains as a matter of such urgency that they shouldn't even return to get things from their homes.

Jesus then states that immediately after the time of tribulation people would see a sign, "the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken" Matt 24-29-30

In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus stated that when all these signs are seen, his Second coming would be imminent. He went on to say that this generation would not pass until all these things had happened.

There can be a lot of different interpretations of all these descriptions... However and whatever the interpretation is, no one can possibly imagine that such incidents can happen between now and end of 2012....

In the end, it seems that 2012 is only a hoax of wild imaginations and a persistence of inducing such imaginations using different methods that can attract various audience whether pro or against the idea.

The idea sells......

If you are religious... imagine that the most sacred secret that God has kept for himself since the creation can be revealed on the internet and by the media, so almost every human being on Earth knows it....

If you are not religious... imagine that all the information revealed on the End of Days are based on Myth, Religion and different mathematical and arithmetical arguments.

If you are neither religious or non religious... then go figure and let me know if you would come to a concrete conclusion.

Sami Cherkaoui

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Moses Sea Parted? How, When, Where?

CNN news blog put an intriguing article " Where did waters part for Moses? Not where you think".

In this blog the writer speaks about some University of Colorado researchers, who tried to prove that the Biblical story described actual events happened the day Moses crossed with the Israelites the Sea that parted for them.

The researchers concluded that the event happened on an area south of the Mediterranean Sea where some oceanographers say a branch of the Nile River drained into what was called the Lake of Tanis; a coastal lagoon 3000 years ago.

The computer model shows a 63 mph east wind blowing across the area and its 6-feet-deep waters for 12 hours. In the scenario, the wind pushed back the waters into both the lake and the channel of the river, exposing a mud flat 2 to 2.5 miles long and 3 miles wide for four hours. As the winds died down, the waters quickly flowed back in and in theory would have drowned anyone on the mud flat.

This in brief what the blog was about, of-course with more illustrations and details... however, this is not what I want to elaborate or comment on...

 What really drew my attention is the number of different comments on the blog, which was not only large but demonstrated well the differences between people thoughts.

To express well my idea, I will put here some of the comments:

" There's no way that a 63mph wind is going to displace a 6 foot deep river / lake. The pressure at a 6 foot depth is 1.3 atmospheres or roughly 10 pounds per square inch higher than normal atmospheric pressure. That much pressure spread across a wide river represents many tons of force. Wind even traveling at 63 mph is not capable of exerting enough force to oppose that much pressure."

" Do you people really have such a hard time believing that an odd event happened, and a group of people decided to attach their own mythology to it? I mean, that's how religions all over the world have worked for as long as we have recorded history! So by the time the old testament was actually written down (no, it wasn't written by Moses as the events happened, get over it), god had become part of the story. And seriously, like the ancients would understand the physics behind the wind blowing water and creating dry land? To an uneducated people, that would certainly seem like a miraculous event."

" I realize without faith these matters are hard to believe, but I believe that God spoke and this world was created, He needs not a topographical area to split the waters what a small matter for him to make a DRY way through the Red Sea."

" We can't get the weather right on any given day, but now we are analyzing fictional meteorological events sometime in the past somewhere in the world? Give me a break. Even Jebus would find this to be a stretch..."

" So, let's say that this is exactly what happened. It was the wind. Does no one find it odd that the wind just happened to start blowing, for 24 hours, just when the Hebrews needed it and just happened to stop just when they needed it? Sure, I accept this as what happened but I don't accept the wind just randomly started blowing just at the right times. For the atheist, an article like this does nothing. They probably don't even believe Moses existed more-less in God. But for people of faith, I like stories like this because it links in how God may have acted in our world (and maybe still does)."

" WOW... you mean there's a chance that God acted by using the things which God created to save those whom God cares about? CRAZY"

" Where does the money come from to conduct these stupid experiments? The Vatican?"

" How ridiculous.... Why? Why can't you just accept that what was recorded was? Sure maybe you can explain it happening here. But you can't explain how it happened at the Red Sea. That's because the work of God is unexplainable. Why must we believe that we can find an explanation to everything. How sad. How truly sad."
" I still believe the crossing spot to be somewhere before what is called MT Jabel El Laws. The 12 wells have been dated, and the giant split rock on a 300 foot tall hill with water erosion going in all directions from that point. Then an alter site where you could actually clime to the top of a mountain and look down at where you came from, and at the alter. Plus, if you map how far people can walk without water using Google Earth to estimate from the point of the wells (and palms) a large amount of people could actually walk that far without water. Plus, you understand that the people that have controlled this area would not want this at all. Plus, both sides having a pillar/marker that says Salomon's pillar (or) Moses crossing on really old maps. Plus the opening of the mountains before the first one. Plus between those markers being the lowest part of water in the entire area. No one really knows how much water was in that area at that time, some say less. I don't know how much evidence it would take for some people, but that seems like a TON to me."

" 63 mile an hour winds happen frequently enough, but I don't see all the little ponds and shallow rivers being emptied or even moved for it."

" What a load of crapola! What's next, are the scientists going to figure out where Zeus banged Hercules mother? It's all myth and not worth anyone's time or money. I hope it wasn't some taxpayer-funded grant who paid that crapola "study.""

" Moses didn't cross the Red Sea. He crossed the Sea of Reeds, which more closely resembled marsh lands, rather than a river or large body of water. If you've ever tried to cross a marsh on a horse, you'd learn very quickly it doesn't take a giant wave to wipe out an army on horses. All it takes is soggy earth."

" And "Who" made the wind blow that hard?"

" In an interview published by Time magazine, Einstein spoke of his feelings about Christianity. Einstein was then asked to what extent he was influenced by Christianity, to which Einstein replied as follows, "As a child I received instruction both in the Bible and in the Talmud. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene." Einstein was then asked if he accepted the "historical existence of Jesus," to which he replied, "Unquestionably! No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life."

I always dig up some facts (in fact) i love facts: GOD'S Word is The Law! ...i wonder how Newton & Einstein would have turned out growing up in a world without biblical Truth?"
" This article is funny because true history shows that the Israelites were never in Egypt during the time of the Exodus. History also shows that the Egyptians didn't have slaves at the time of the Exodus as well. People will believe anything."

" I wonder if they're hiring? Nice work if you can get it. Does this "study" improve anyone's living conditions today?"

" Things the judeochristian "God" shares with Santa Claus: Stories about actual events (St Nicholas, Jesus of Nazareth) are misinterpreted, mistranslated, and used for personal gain (Macy's, the Pope). They both reside in mythical places. (The North Pole, Heaven). They're both "invisible". They both judge you on your behavior. People with mental illnesses swear that they're real. hmmm... I think we should worship Santa... But wait! Santa and Satan have the same letters! and are red! IT'S A TRAP!!!!"

" When someone explains something to you with "science," you have faith in what he thinks is a fact and what isn't a fact. It takes more faith to belive that we evolved from a fragment of nothing than we were created by a higher power."

" in the Quran, God speaks how he saved the children of Israel by opening the sea to save them by the pharoh.... and in the Quran, God says that the pharaoh Ramsey's body will be preserved to show a sign for the world too see how God punished him. his body is located i think in Egypt. his body looks like as if he died recently. the Quran testified and proved scientist that it was a mirical from God."

" No one cares what the Quarn says dude, keep your hate filled babble to yourself. There is only one God and it is certainly not Allah! Just the Alpha and the Omega."

" The waters did part for Moses but it was all done by UFOs."

" Nothing was ever said about Moses parting the Nile. The river was the Jordan, and Moses didn't part it either. Scripture says that God let an east wind blow all night that parted the waters. Also, according to Biblical Archaeology, chariot wheels, etc. have been found there."

Well they said it all....

It will always be debates, just know how, when and where to spark off the fire...
And it will spread out...

So my favorite is:

" CNN: Seriously, grow up. This is goofy."

Sami Cherkaoui

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tyche Painting Found But Fortune Is Lost!

A wall painting (fresco) of Tyche, the Greek goddess of fortune, was exposed during the 11th season of excavation at the Sussita site, on the east shore of the Sea of Galilee, which was conducted by a team of excavators of the University of Concordia.

The Romans called her Fortuna; the goddess of fortune and personification of luck. She might bring good or bad luck; she could be represented as veiled and blind. She was also goddess of fate.

Her father was Jupitor; she protected grain supplies and her month is June.

In Greek mythology;  Tyche's father is Zeus and she was represented with different attributes. Holding a rudder, she was conceived as the divinity guiding and conducting the affairs of the world, and in this respect she was called one of the Moirai (Fates); with a ball she represented the varying unsteadiness of fortune--unsteady and capable of rolling in any direction; with Ploutos or the horn of Amalthea, she was the symbol of the plentiful gifts of fortune.

Nemesis (Fair Distribution) was cautiously regarded as the downside of Tyche, one who provided a check on extravagant favors conferred by fortune. The pair were often depicted as companions in Greek vase painting.
Tyche was widely worshiped as the guardian spirit of a city's good fortune. As such she was usually depicted crowned with the turrets of a city-wall and holding a cornucopia (horn of plenty) brimming with the fruits of the earth.

Tyche is also listed as one of the Oceanids (daughters of the Titans Tethys and Okeanos) in the Theogony  of Hesiod. Indeed, paired with her sister Eudora, she and her sibling together represent a combination of Bounty and Luck according to the Oxford Classical Dictionary.

This same source also indicates that Tyche appears again as a personification associated with Bounty in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter.

According to the Greek poet Hesiod, Goddess Tyche was a daughter of the Sea Titans Oceanus and Tethys.
Goddess Tyche was the personification of Hope, Luck and Wealth. She was a labile, yet virtuous spirit, mediating between gods and mortals and leading human lives. She was therefore extraordinarily worshipped by the ancient Greeks.

The main symbol of goddess Tyche was a huge horn, inside of which she was keeping all wealth and richness; the horn once belonged to Amalthea, the goat who fostered Greek god Zeus during his infancy.

Tyche was carrying the horn with her constantly, occasionally turning it upside down to spread all its goods to anyone who would meet her on his way.

In the Roman mythology, she is found in a variety of domestic and personal contexts. During the early Roman Empire, an amulet from the House of Menander in Pompeii links her to the Egyptian goddess Isis, as Isis-Fortuna.

She is functionally related to the God Bonus Eventus, who is often represented as her counterpart: both appear on amulets and intaglio engraved gems across the Roman world.

Her name seems to derive from Vortumna (she who revolves the year): the earliest reference to the Wheel of Fortune, emblematic of the endless changes in life between prosperity and disaster, is 55 BCE.
The wheel characteristically has four shelves, or stages of life, with four human figures, usually labeled on the left regnabo (I shall reign), on the top regno (I reign) and is usually crowned, descending on the right regnavi (I have reigned) and the lowly figure on the bottom is marked sum sine regno  (I have no kingdom).

Medieval representations of Fortune emphasize her duality and instability, such as two faces side by side like Janus; one face smiling the other frowning; half the face white the other black; she may be blindfolded but without scales, blind to justice.

She was associated with the cornucopia, ship's rudder, the ball and the wheel. The cornucopia is where plenty flows from, the Helmsman's rudder steers fate, the globe symbolizes chance (who gets good or bad luck), and the wheel symbolizes that luck, good or bad, never lasts.
In Astrology the term ‘Pars Fortuna’ represents a mathematical point in the zodiac derived by the longitudinal positions of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant (Rising sign) in the birth chart of an individual. It represents an especially beneficial point in the horoscopic chart. In Arabic Astrology, this point is called Arabian Parts.

The procedure followed for fixing one’s Pars Fortuna in ancient and traditional astrology depended on the time of birth, viz., during daylight or night time (whether the Sun was above or below the horizon).

In modern western astrology the day time formula only was used for many years, but with more knowledge of ancient astrology, the two calculation method is now often used.

The formula for calculating the day time Part of Fortune (PF) is (using the 360 degree positions for each point):

PF = Ascendant + Moon - Sun

The formula for the night-time Part of Fortune is PF = Ascendant + Sun - Moon

Each calculation method results in a different zodiac position for the Part of Fortune.
Al Biruni (973 – 1048), an 11th-century Persian mathematician, astronomer and scholar, who was the greatest proponent of this system of prediction, listed a total of 97 Arabic Parts, which were widely used for astrological consultations.

Paul Vachier has prepared an Arabic Parts Calculator for all the Arabic Parts.

Between the Greek and Italian economic catastrophes and disasters, it seems that both Tyche and Fortuna, have held up their wheels and closed their horns not only on Greece and Italy; but also on the whole world.

Since we are not able to find solutions to our economic problems, I do suggest that we turn again to Mythology and Astrology; and pledge the Goddesses of Fortune to give us a pity look and save us from total ruin.
Today, the World leaders are in the United Nations; discussing how to solve the problem of a billion hungry human beings on planet Earth, and they are failing on details...

There are more billions of people who are hungry also to have equal chances of living...

Why Fortune these days is only a synonym of power?

Why Fortune can not be again a synonym of just?

Maybe because Tyche and Fortuna are killed, and decided not to reborn....

The Ball stopped rolling.... and Fortune lost its balance

Sami Cherkaoui