
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BP and Othman Shirt

Mr. Obama wants BP to pay for the mess the oil spill has made on USA shores.

He announced that BP will put a compensation fund of 20 Billion Dollars, for the victims of the Gulf Oil Spill.

BP Chairman Carl Henric Svanberg announced that the company will not pay shareholders dividends this year.
(In other words, the 20 billion dollars could have been a one year BP annual profits.)
He said that BP is sorry and is committed to its legitimate responsibilities.

But British PM Mr. Cameron has different views..
He made an appeal on behalf of BP's British investors and called the company to be protected from excessive compensation claims as Mr. Obama made the company agree to potentially unlimited charges.

Mr, Cameron further said that the company should not be exposed to a string of future damages claims.

But Mr. Obama vowed to the American people (Voters) that he will make BP pay for its "recklessness", and compared the oil spill disaster impact to that of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US.

It seems USA now has two Othman Shirts; September 11 and the Deep Water Horizon disaster.

What is Othman Shirt?
It is a phrase used by Arab Muslims to indicate blackmail.
Othman was the fourth Caliph after Prophet Mohamed.
After he was assassinated rival groups blamed one another for the blood of Othman, Carried his blooded shirt and demanded revenge.. so to get political compensations.

It seems USA now is following the same policy!

So what about the sea life?

No one knows what the survival rate will be for the Gulf species affected by the oil spill. One expert said, "I don't believe that all these birds that are being rehabilitated for the Deep Water Horizon  spill will end up dying."

Life seems do not matter....
The "Catch" is very high... 20 Billion Dolllars to infinity...
Or should we say the goat is priceless?

Well speaking about this particular goat... British Petroleum

20 Billion Dollars estimated profit for one year is really WOW...
The shareholders are exceptionally happy every year.
Not this year ofcourse... poor people... they will be sad...
No Christmass presents..

Who are those shareholders anyways...
Ok.. may be not our concern

But 20 Billion dollars is a probably budgets of 4 or 5 Third World Countries.
Where there are really poor people, dying of hunger every day...

20 Billion Dollars...
I heard this number before...

Oh, I remembered..
It is the budget that Canada put to support its troops in Afghanistan...
Where almost every day 1 or 2 Canadian soldiers die.....
What a waste of money and men..

Now USA, Canada and all these countries who are in Afghanistan, discover that Afghanistan is sleeping on treasure mines worth trillions of dollars..

The U.S. has discovered nearly $1 trillion of untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves, the New York Times reported on its website last Sunday, citing unnamed senior U.S. government officials. The discovery could make the country one of the world's most important mining centers, it said.

It seems the country has deposits of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals such as lithium, the newspaper said. Citing an internal Pentagon memo, the newspaper said that the lithium deposits are so big that Afghanistan could become the "Saudi Arabia of lithium."

Lithium is a key raw material to make batteries for laptops, cameras and mobile phones.

What is the destiny of those mines ... and Afghanistan

Who knows....

It seems Afghanistan will be another Othman Shirt!

Sami Cherkaoui

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